Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Have a Christ Blessed Christmas!!

Here it is, three days before Christmas and I sit here contemplating the beginning of a new year. These past few years have been times of hardship for many of us. Times of change, adjustment and sacrifice for many.

The good news is that change is in the wind. January 1st 2011! The beginning. To all of us who have lost much in the recent past, look around you. Give thanks for those things that make you happy and for the love that you have in your life. We still have much to be grateful for here in the USA. Thankfully it seems that we are starting to get our government under control. Yes, there will be growing pains and more hard lessons learned but I honestly feel we have turned a corner.

Here is to many new beginnings! Take these last few days of 2010 and reflect on where you are today and where you wish to be tomorrow. Remember, one person CAN make a difference, and two people CAN change the world. I ask that you put Christ back in your Christmas, keep all of your hopes and dreams alive and know that anything is possible in a free country! I wish you all a blessed and Merry Christmas, and prosperous new year!

From Texas

Monday, December 13, 2010

Time will Tell...

Hey good morning. Just finished my last cup of coffee and then who knows. After reading the net headlines and the local paper, I was moved to toss out a few more of my own thoughts regarding this congress and their lack of ... well anything.

Have you noticed, or is it just me, when the Obama care bill was being slammed down our throats, Piglosi and that pussy Reid and friends, were in no way inclined to read the damn thing, they just wanted it pushed through. With the extension of the Bush Tax cuts, they delay, delay delay. Let me tell you what. It is mostly BULLSHIT POSTURING, and BLACKMAIL by the democrats. This is the second stimulus package. Some people say, "how can they forget the last election results so soon?" what are you kidding me? They ignored the will of the American people before and they will continue to do so until they are removed from office. If I was the democrat my grandfather was, I would be raising hell! The democrats are NOT about small business, they are about NO business! Socialism and idealism but they forget about realism. Money pays the bills and someone has to work to provide that money.
The Dems have finally shown that they are the TRUE party of "NO", it was their slogan last week on capital hill, how can people, even some of my close friends have faith in these people? They are unable to defend them, but they unflinchingly support them. What is up with that?
In reality, the whole "left", they just want control, they don't care about anything else because that gives them power to do as they wish. It is win at all cost, sell your soul whatever it takes. They can stay in the headlines, be on the "A" list and all that sort of hogwash. They can skim off the trough and be "kings and Queens" for awhile, get that Warhol 15 minutes, maybe even a little longer. Thump their chest and tell us little people how great a job they are doing for us, it seems the only thing that finally derails a successful democrat is greed. Yes, greed, moola, cashola, greenbacks. Look at some of the standouts in Democrat history. The most recent is that P.O.S. Charlie Rangel, 40 years in office and finally the cash trail caused him to be "bitch slapped", but not any real damage. No jail time or loss of anything other than a little pride and humiliation. I guess Bill Clinton, the sleazy kinky cigar man is close to the top of the heap. You know, if sexual impropriety was a death sentence for political figures, there might not be a democrat or republican standing.
I mean look at Ted Kennedy or Barney Frank, disgusting.....

So America, we have what we have. Lets be thankful that we can change presidents in just two short years. Remember the lies of those elected this past November and punish them in 2012. The only way we can change the direction of America is buy committing to change and sticking with it. Each individual needs to be a watchdog over our elected officials and keep their feet to the fire. I have been writing my representatives regularly and I hope you do the same. Have a great day and Happy Holidays as well.
From Texas

Friday, December 10, 2010

The Decay of the USA

I have been doing some research, I wanted to share some of the things I learned. I was suprised to find out that government employees average a 20% higher salary than those holding a similar job in the private sector, did you know that? 20% more than the public sector. Who finances these jobs? You and me, the taxpayers. The federal employment benefits also include, are you ready for this?
Fedral Employment Retirement System (FERS)
Thrift Savings plan
Social security
Medicare - Part A
Federal Employee Health Benefits (FEHB)
Federal Employees Group Life Insurance (FEGLI)
Leave and Holidays - 13 to 26 days of leave or sick time, 10 days Holiday, all of which are paid.
Family Friendly Leave Flexibility
Work/Life Programs
Recruitment Bonus
Relocation Bonus
Retention Allowence
Employee Development
Student Loan Repayment
Long Term Care Insurance Program
Child Care Subsidy Program

You can find this at
By the way that was exclusive of the Postal Service, they have their own set. Please don't get me going witht he postal service or the IRS. Those items are reserved for another day. Might even be better than the regular federal employees benefits.

This country is being ruined by the left, of which a large part are
government employees trying to cover their own ass, a large part of
minorities who have been hijacked by the democrats and a minority
elite of highly edecated liberal socialists. They are educated but have NO common sense, and when in control of things, they destroy them and pass the blame to someone else, ie, California, New York. Oh, also the countries economy under Obozo's administration.

The left just got their ass handed to them in the November election. Yet Reid and Pelosi do not understand the fact that "we the people" are not happy with the job they have done. They are going to try amnesty for all the illegals in the USA, only to capture their vote, there is NO good reason to offer amnesty. They are dragging their feet on the Bush Tax cuts because "they" don't think the county needs it, and that the cuts are bonus' to the wealthy. The best news is that, there may not be a frigging democrat left in office in 2012.

If you know anyone that is a democrat, please ask them to explain to you the platforms for their decisions, and ask for one example of one policy they have implemented that has worked WELL for the country. Of the few people I know that will admit to voting for obozo and the democratic candidates. They just get mad and get loud and holler and scream. They cannot defend the people they voted for. However misguided, friends are still friends and maybe one day they will use that brain and have an epiphany. I promise you, they will not be able to answer your question.
Happy Holidayz friends and readers.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Julian Assange - Wikileaks

Yep, we got what we deserved. Let's get all of this out on the table and then clean up this mess. Bring on this "Poison Pill Insurance Leak" and let everyone get their facts straight according to this child molester, Julian Assange.

The best news in MY opinion is what is happening in America. People are waking up and getting their information from more than a single source. Yeah the truth hurts, still even those that are on the fence are gonna have to make a choice and that day is coming soon. We think greed is rampant in Washington DC, well how do you think it works in other countries? Think about it.
If this truly is the greatest country in the world, and we have graf and corruption through out our country what about 3rd world countries? What about China and Russia? I would bet the problem is even worse. So, what should we do about it? I will tell you what we should do. Let's get all this out in the open, let's ALL get informed of what is happening. Then you have two decisions, perhaps three. You can decide which side you want to be on, or you can take the middle. Then we decide how to handle the situation, violently or with open discourse. The people in the middle will have no say. If it takes starting all over from the ground up and a complete American Revolution, then so be it.
People, we need to stand up for what we believe in, there has to be a line drawn as to what your personal convictions are. There is right and there is wrong, follow your own moral compass, and decide what your base line beliefs are. Something your willing to fight for, to make a stand for and ultimately to defend.
The time is coming when each of our lives will be impacted by the lack of definition of what we each believe is right. You will have to choose. What do you want for your family?
I believe in the constitution, not it's interpretation by either a liberal or conservative. We must have laws and they must be clear, we have to understand that each of us must live wth the consequences of these laws. So as these leaks keep coming out, lets each of us think about the future and realize that we are gonna have a big part of what happens in the future. You want anarchy or do you want America?

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Islam and being Politically Correct

I have always considered myself to be a tolerent person, live and let live. I support the constitution of this great nation. I believe in freedom of speech and I urge religeous tolerence. I DO NOT, believe in being politically correct.
The left, despite their academia, are unwise. Zero common sense. The state of Oklahoma has some very serious issues ahead of them with this battle over Shariah law. If they choose to allow this law, it is one more attack on our US constitution. I have no problems with peaceful muslim people, other than the fact that as followers of Islam, they will not denounce the jihadist and violent sects of their religeon. I have recently read books on Islam because I wanted to understand the core beliefs. After having read them, and I DO NOT claim to be a scholar of Islam. I have concluded that Islam is a religeon of war and cruelty. Mohammed in my opinion can not be held up as a perfect moral example. Therefore, I am under the opinion that there is NO room for acceptance of any law based on the Koran. If you wish to live under Islamic Law, MOVE to an Islamic state.

I have attached several links to support my argument.

I have recently sent an email to a local mosque that is involved with CAIR. I asked why is it that muslim leaders in America keep asking for tolerence, accuse non-muslims of being unjust in dealing with them and their belief. The whole time refusing to speak up, while atrocities are happening around the world in the name of Allah, Muhammed and Islam. The response was short, brief and terse. I was told that "muslim" is not their religeon. Which I failed to clarify as Islam. However I have yet to meet a "muslim" christian or jew. This organization has considerable flaws. They also support and are backing the mosque to be built on ground zero.

I just don't get it. I have never read in the bible that I am to kill people who do not share my beliefs. Nor have I found anyone of the jewish faith to indicate that murder was acceptable, the bible tells us to shake the dust from our feet and move on.

I urge anyone to read a book called

"Jesus and Muhammad - Profound Differences and Surprising Similarities" by Dr. Mark A. Gabriel.

This is a fantastic book on understanding the two different religions, easy to read and easy to understand. If you are muslim or christian, I feel this is a great way to understand each other better. After all, as has been said. No religion unexamined is worth belief.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Tea Party Rolls......

November 2, 2010. It was a revolution. Now to get the liberal republicans out of office and return to the constitutionalists. Trent Lott, Lindsey Graham, John Cornyn , these "elite" repubs that failed to support Tea party nominees need tossed out. It is my goal to help do so, if they choose to do what "they think is best" for us, get them the hell out! The people put you in and the people will take you out. I did not vote straight republican ticket and they are the reason why. We must keep fighting to take America back. Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, the poster children for political failure. Those two old prunes need to fade away. However, should they stay, it will only make 2012 that much easier to "Shellack" the dems again. Update, Pelosi is going to run for house minority leader. Well HELL YEAH!!!!! And all you liberal pundits who said conservatism was dead, or Carville, that the democrats would be in control for the next 40 years! HA, the party may be dead in the 40 years, I also recall Mr. Carville screaming about the administrations failings with the BP oil spill. Juan Williams gets fired over nothing by NPR. I am now in support of defunding the NPR and my congessman and senator have already received my emails.
We have to keep up the good fight, and we will be victorious over the evil that exists in the democratic party, and besides, George Soros is now in his eighty's, how many more elections will he be around before he burns in hell?

Monday, October 11, 2010

Now Is the Time People!!!!!

Since no one reads this blog, I guess it's ok for me to make some changes in the way I've been writing. I've decided to be a bit more "civil" in publishing my thoughts. I do however reserve the right to revert to my old style if the situation were to warrant it.

If you are asking yourself why? Let me elaborate for a moment. By standing on my soap box, it has helped my mental state by being able to vent my frustrations with the current administration. In retrospect, I only wish that I had not stooped to the level of most liberals, dems and progressives. I actually thought of myself as having some liberal leanings. I still do to some aspect, not that it is worth mentioning here. What I eventually decided, is that in my viewpoint, the three mentioned above really do not have a platform other than to steer America toward communism/socialism. An idea that has failed at every opportunity. Furthermore, with the rise of the Tea Party, I have been relieved to witness the number of Americans that have basically the same philosophy that I have.

With the looming election, I hope to see what "riled up" Americans can do. To take back or government. I hope that people in the conservative base will show the rest of America that Washington has to change. That "we the people" are going to make some major changes. Starting with accountability. I hope that this great nation, teetering on the brink, is capable of having the foundation restored and that the world is witness to the Phoenix rising again. That we will not stand by and watch as our constitution is desecrated by the left.

We took our collective eye off the ball, and with the current leadership, we are all paying the high price of a very mismanaged government. Obama, Biden, Pelosi and Reid. I hope and I pray that these misguided, and unqualified politicians go down in history as the "Black eye" that America served itself. That in time they all become labeled as complete and total failures, in there leadership, in their policy, in their promises and in their actions. They fed off the public trough at our discretion and they shall be removed at our discretion. America will recover from this horrific mess and it willl take some time. We didn't get here over night and we will not heal ourself over night. Come Novemeber 2010, the true winds of change will rise and Americans will be able to look back on this travesty as one well learned and expensive lesson. Politicians must be kept on the leash of the American people.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Yo Barry, how U doing?

To quote a line from an old Dylan song, "The times they are a changin". Thank God in Heaven! Well it looks like Rahm Emanuel left the WH, just like all rats leave a sinking ship. November 2010, a new beginning. I have to say I admire the Tea Party folks and their truly grassroots movement. I would suggest they keep from being hijacked by the incumbent Republicans and their weak ass ideaology. If they have been in office for over 5 years and their voting record does not stand up to the wishes of their constituency, vote them the HELL out!

How about Barry's rating? It has dropped like the anchor on that proverbial sinking ship. HAHA. Hey Nancy, I told you and Harry that there was a shifting wind. Democrats themselves are putting alot of distance between themselves and these two knuckleheaded idiots. What a legacy for the 111th congress, what a shame, what a sham, what a diservice to America. Nevada has a 15% unemployment rate. Nancy bought a new jet, tsk tsk tsk.

They both support building the muslime mosque at the Hallowed Ground Zero. Personally, I have had enough of being tolerant to those that take it for weakness. The bible says an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. A mosque is built as a sign of victory for allah, that is why they want it on ground zero. If it goes up, it will be a victory for them. How come this is no longer making headlines?

I admit, I have spoke in ignorance about the muslime beliefs. Now after reading, "Answering Islam" The Crescent in the light of the Cross", Baker Publishing, written by Norman L. Geisler & Abdul Saleeb. It is worse than I thought. They worship the prophet mohammed more than they revere Allah. The book points out some astounding things that make the most esteemed imams cringe. Inconsistancy is the rule. If you have questions or wonder how to respond to islamic critisisms of Christianity, you need to read this book. It will give you plenty of ammo. I've come to the conclusion that islam is an intolerant religion, with a false prophet as well. Do tell. In a land where the lack of education and barbaric inhumane treatment is normal, I understand. It is easy to control illiteracy with weapons and brain washing. I also understand that if I had been born into that environment I would most likely have been indoctrinated into that perverse religion. I can only imagine what it would take for one to change their life long core values and beliefs. Fortunately I was born in The USA to Christian parents. Fortunately I was educated, I was able to examine not only my beliefs but those of others as well. Thankfully, I have come to the conclusion that Jesus is the son of God, and that only through Jesus Christ, will I be forgiven and allowed into the Kingdom of God. I beg those of you with differing views to please go and read the facts. If you are truly seeking truth, you will do so with an open heart and an open mind. I believe if you do so, Jesus will speak to your heart and you too, will know the peace that God has to offer you.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Ground Zero Mosque??? Hell No!!!!!!

What you muslims fail to understand is this, we Americans, we will give and bend and take a bunch of crap, because this is America, NOT the middle east. When we have had enough, we will punish you. Heed this, your getting very close to the line. You American muslims, you need to denounce the mosque in NY, you need to denounce the extremists who kill their own everyday in the name of allah. If you are right and just and a religeon of peace, how about showing it, walk the walk. Oh wait, maybe your not a religeon of peace but of hate, yes, I think that might be it.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

OBAMA SUCKS ASS.... still!!!!

An idiot, he is! A racist, he is! A liar, he is! Obama is getting worried as well as the entire democratic party! I pulled the following off the web, and it is an accurate comparison.

General McChrystal Biography
Commander, International Security Assistance Force/
Commander, United States Forces Afghanistan
United States Army
United States Military Academy - BS - No Major
United States Naval War College - MA - National Security and Strategic Studies
Salve Regina University - MS - International Relations
Infantry Officer Basic and Advanced Courses
United States Naval Command and Staff College
Senior Service College Fellowship Harvard University
2LT 2 Jun 76
1LT 2 Jun 78
CPT 1 Aug 80
MAJ 1 Jul 87
LTC 1 Sep 92
COL 1 Sep 96
BG 1 Jan 01
MG 1 May 04
LTG 16 Feb 06
GEN 11 Jun 09
Nov 76 Feb 78 Weapons Platoon Leader, C Company, 1st Battalion, 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82d Airborne Division, Fort Bragg, North Carolina
Feb 78 Jul 78 Rifle Platoon Leader, C Company, 1st Battalion, 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82d Airborne Division, Fort Bragg, North Carolina
Jul 78 Nov 78 Executive Officer, C Company, 1st Battalion, 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82d Airborne Division, Fort Bragg, North Carolina
Nov 78 Apr 79 Student, Special Forces Officer Course, Special Forces School, Fort Bragg, North Carolina
Apr 79 Jun 80 Commander, Detachment A, A Company, 1st Battalion, 7th Special Forces Group (Airborne), Fort Bragg, North Carolina
Jun 80 Feb 81 Student, Infantry Officer Advanced Course, United States Army Infantry School, Fort Benning, Georgia
Feb 81 Mar 82 S2/S3 (Intelligence/Operations), United Nations Command Support Group Joint Security Area, Korea
Mar 82 Nov 82 Training Officer, Directorate of Plans and Training, A Company, Headquarters Command, Fort Stewart, Georgia
Nov 82 Sep 84 Commander, A Company, 3d Battalion, 19th Infantry, 24th Infantry Division (Mechanized), Fort Stewart, Georgia
Sep 84 Sep 85 S3 (Operations), 3d Battalion, 19th Infantry, 24th Infantry Division (Mechanized), Fort Stewart, Georgia
Sep 85 Jan 86 Liaison Officer, 3d Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment, Fort Benning, Georgia
Jan 86 May 87 Commander, A Company, 3d Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment, Fort Benning, Georgia
May 87 Apr 88 Liaison Officer, 3d Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment, Fort Benning, Georgia
Apr 88 Jun 89 S3 (Operations), 3d Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment, Fort Benning, Georgia
Jun 89 Jun 90 Student, Command and Staff Course, United States Naval War College, Newport, Rhode Island
Jun 90 Apr 93 Army Special Operations Action Officer, J3, Joint Special Operations Command, Fort Bragg, North Carolina and OPERATIONS DESERT SHIELD/STORM, Saudi Arabia
Apr 93 Nov 94 Commander, 2d Battalion, 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82d Airborne Division, Fort Bragg, North Carolina
Nov 94 Jun 96 Commander, 2d Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment, Fort Lewis, Washington
Jun 96 Jun 97 Senior Service College Fellowship, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Jun 97 Aug 99 Commander, 75th Ranger Regiment, Fort Benning, Georgia
Aug 99 Jun 00 Military Fellow, Council on Foreign Relations, New York, New York
Jun 00 Jun 01 Assistant Division Commander (Operations), 82d Airborne Division, Fort Bragg, North Carolina to include duty as Commander, Combined Joint Task Force Kuwait, Camp Doha, Kuwait
Jun 01 Jul 02 Chief of Staff, XVIII Airborne Corps and Fort Bragg, Fort Bragg, North Carolina to include duty as Chief of Staff, Combined Joint Task Force180, OPERATION ENDURING
FREEDOM, Afghanistan
Jul 02 Sep 03 Vice Director for Operations, J3, The Joint Staff, Washington, DC
Sep 03 Feb 06 Commanding General, Joint Special Operations Command, Fort Bragg, North Carolina
Feb 06 Jun 08 Commander, Joint Special Operations Command/Commander, Joint Special Operations Command Forward, United States Special Operations Command, Fort Bragg, North Carolina
Aug 08 Jun 09 Director, The Joint Staff, Washington, DC
Jun 09 Present Commander, International Security Assistance Force/Commander, United States Forces Afghanistan, OPERATION ENDURING FREEDOM, Afghanistan
S2/S3 (Intelligence/Operations), United Nations Command Support Group Joint Security Area, Korea (Feb 81-Mar 82, Captain)
Army Special Operations Action Officer, J3, Joint Special Operations Command, Fort Bragg, North Carolina and OPERATIONS DESERT SHIELD/STORM, Saudi Arabia Jun 90-Apr 93 Major/Lieutenant Colonel)
Chief of Staff, XVIII Airborne Corps and Fort Bragg, Fort Bragg, North Carolina to include duty as Chief of Staff, Combined Joint Task Force180, OPERATION ENDURING FREEDOM, Afghanistan (Jun 01-Jul 02, Brigadier General)
Vice Director for Operations, J3, The Joint Staff, Washington, DC (Jul 02-Sep 03, Brigadier General)
Commanding General, Joint Special Operations Command, Fort Bragg, North Carolina (Sep 03-Feb 06, Brigadier General/Major General)
Commander, Joint Special Operations Command/Commander, Joint Special Operations
Command Forward, United States Special Operations Command, Fort Bragg, North Carolina (Feb 06-Jun 08, Major General/Lieutenant General)
Director, The Joint Staff, Washington, DC (Aug 08-Jun 09, Lieutenant General)
Commander, International Security Assistance Force/Commander, United States Forces Afghanistan, OPERATION ENDURING FREEDOM, Afghanistan (Jun 09-Present, General)
Army Special Operations Action Officer, J3, Joint Special Operations Command, OPERATIONS DESERT SHIELD/STORM, Saudi Arabia (Jun 90-Mar 91, Major)
Commander, Combined Joint Task Force Kuwait, Camp Doha, Kuwait (Apr 01-Jun 01, Brigadier General)
Chief of Staff, Combined Joint Task Force180, OPERATION ENDURING FREEDOM, Afghanistan (May 02-Jul 02, Brigadier General)
Commander, International Security Assistance Force/Commander, United States Forces Afghanistan, OPERATION ENDURING FREEDOM, Afghanistan (Jun 09- Present, General)
Defense Distinguished Service Medal
Defense Superior Service Medal (with Oak Leaf Cluster)
Legion of Merit (with 2 Oak Leaf Clusters)
Bronze Star Medal
Defense Meritorious Service Medal
Meritorious Service Medal (with 3 Oak Leaf Clusters)
Army Commendation Medal
Army Achievement Medal
Expert Infantryman Badge
Master Parachutist Badge
Ranger Tab
Special Forces Tab
Joint Chiefs of Staff Identification Badge
Obama Biography:
Birthplace: Location remains questionable. Proof of United States Citizenship hasn't been provided.
Education: Columbia University, Harvard Law School. Records never produced, attendance remains questionable.
Military Career: None
Business Career: None
Political Career: Community organizer, Chicago, 1983-86; civil rights attorney, Chicago, 1991-96;
University of Chicago, lecturer, early 1990s-2004; Illinois State Senator, 1996-2005; U.S. Senator, 2005-2008; President 2008-.

To all of you that might be Obozo supporters, I hope that one day the blinders fall from your eyes. Because, either your not paying attention or you enjoy seeing the destruction of America and our values, which would make you unAmerican. Seemingly you are naive enough to not understand, your merely hasting your own demise. For that, I pity you.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

And the Dems, came crumbling down..... I just hope it's not to late.

Here we are another big election day. I can't wait to see the outcome of the polls this evening. Obama and his ilk are gonna get spanked! This is how I see it. The Tea Party with it's "take no prisoners" attitude may even toss out a few Republican incumbents. It's great to see the American people at work, making "Change" for themselves, not by some of the elected idiots who got there due to political timing and America's fear of being politically incorrect.
The Progressives are very dissatisfied with obama, Phaedra Lampkins, the bozo leader of "green for all", yes I think that "green" means government handout. In my opinion it is a bigoted, racist company under the guise of a company for social reform. But then again....... At any rate ms. lampkins stated that she "voted for obozo and would again, but he is not enough", yes well, thank GOD!
Phaedra be looking to get paid and be on the t.v., put her on your radar screen due to the fact she is getting some press, see what she stands for and draw your own conclusions.
The point I was making before I twisted off on phaedra, was that obozo is getting it from every corner. His popularity is dropping like a rock, and even the diehard dumb ass people that are blinded by their misguided social issues are coming around.
Was good to see Helen Thomas go. The Queen of Whitehouse reporters bit off a little more than she should have. The nasty comments she made about the jews of Israel needing to go back to Poland and Germany, were completely out of line. Now I am betting that the jewish votes that obozo recieved in 2008 are thinning out by the thousands.
Lastly, we have a problem with the oil spill and obozo and his administration have done very little in their support of Louisiana or the people of that state. If this administration keeps the drilling moratorium in the Gulf of Mexico, not only will he kill the state of Louisiana financially, whom depend on the oil field and fisheries for their livelihood, but the Gulf supplies roughly 30% of our U.S. domestic production, imagine grossly higher prices at the pump. Then the domino effect kicks in, we're paying foreign countries more money for oil imports which takes more money out of the U.S., which increases the downward spiral of our economy and our country.
Too many of us took our "eye off the ball" when things were good and the economy was expanding. We trusted big business and our countries leadership, we screwed up. The silver lining to the obozo fiasco, is that young adults and us older idiots have learned, we have to watch those in office like a hawk. No more of the "Ted Kennedy's",feed at the public trough for a lifetime while contributing nothing, that my friend is not the American way. You got to carry your on water.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

University California at San Diego

I have always enjoyed California, the beauty is breath taking. It is a paradise in ruin thanks to the bleeding heart liberals that run the state.
Your about out of money, you have no idea of the precedence you've set. The homestate of Nancy Pelosi, that is shame enough right there, now these same politicians who have driven California to the brink, are trying to do it to the country. Here is what unrealistic liberal ideas will breed.

UCSD, shame on you, Marye Ann Fox, shame on you, everyone in attendence who allowed this idiot to speak, with out shout her down, shame on you. Please watch this video.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

obamas gotta go!!!

Ok, so maybe the best thing that happened with the passing of this health bill, was hearing Biden drop the "f" bomb on national tv, and I've been told I have no class. The silver lining is that the November elections, and people thought Massachucetts was bad, just wait until November, I don't think many people will forget about this piece of legislation. Besides the majority of Americans were opposed to it in the first place. What happened to majority rule and representation by the people and for the people. Obama is a socialist, and unfortunately with socialism somebody has to pay the bills. If you are willing to live a life of mediocrity, so be it, go where it's already in place and reap the benefits. It is a downward spiral where there are no winners. A place I don't wish to be!

America is at vital crossroads, where we go from here is going to make or break this country. You can have the greatest plans in the world and package it beautifully, but if you cannot pay for it, what then? There never has been anything such as a "free ride" and there never will be. Show me where socialism has ever worked, it has not! Big government is killing this country, it is run by idiots because we Americans have had it to good. We trusted our representation, what a mistake, they have fattened themselves on our dime. Now they "know" what is best for each of us and our families. If you can sit there and think that "all is well", I encourage you to do some research. Some fact finding. Get it from as many sources as you can find and then draw your own conclusion. If you care about your parents, your children and your siblings, if they are important to you, then maybe, just maybe you need to gather some information and make sure you absolutely understand what this administration is doing. It's all smoke and mirrors folks, and with Hollywood slickness, they are about to stick it up ...... well you know where.

Oh and lastly, get off this "rascist" bullshit, I'm about fed up!

Friday, January 22, 2010

And the Dominos fall..........adios "Air America" radio!

Oh my gosh!
Almost back to back posts. At any rate I will be brief. I just want to point out that "I told you so", is happening. First the libs take the Massachucetts loss on the chin, talk about over confident, and now I am reading about that douche bag, Al Franken's radio station "Air America" biting the big one. Excuse me, HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!! LMAO!!!!! All the talk by the Democrats about "talk radio" and "fairness". They cannot even support their flagship station, what does that tell you? No one wants to hear it. I'm surprised they couldn't get financial aid from the Whitehouse.
All I hear from Democrats is whine and cry foul, if we wait long enough, they would destroy themselves, it's a great show. I look forward to the fall of Pelosi and Reid, that will be a party day (no pun intended). The win at all cost mentality, is COSTING them greatly right now. The American majority has tired of their bullshit. Hey have a great day, make some one smile!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Massachucetts - What the heck ????

Once again I see good things happening! Scott Brown takes the seat over Coakley, wow, a seat that has been held by the Democrats since 1972! Headline today? Obama urges "scale back" on Health care reform. Well you doubted the American people. This will be a remarkable year! Big changes are coming, then just wait until 2012!!!! God Bless America!!!!!