Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Islam and being Politically Correct

I have always considered myself to be a tolerent person, live and let live. I support the constitution of this great nation. I believe in freedom of speech and I urge religeous tolerence. I DO NOT, believe in being politically correct.
The left, despite their academia, are unwise. Zero common sense. The state of Oklahoma has some very serious issues ahead of them with this battle over Shariah law. If they choose to allow this law, it is one more attack on our US constitution. I have no problems with peaceful muslim people, other than the fact that as followers of Islam, they will not denounce the jihadist and violent sects of their religeon. I have recently read books on Islam because I wanted to understand the core beliefs. After having read them, and I DO NOT claim to be a scholar of Islam. I have concluded that Islam is a religeon of war and cruelty. Mohammed in my opinion can not be held up as a perfect moral example. Therefore, I am under the opinion that there is NO room for acceptance of any law based on the Koran. If you wish to live under Islamic Law, MOVE to an Islamic state.

I have attached several links to support my argument.



I have recently sent an email to a local mosque that is involved with CAIR. I asked why is it that muslim leaders in America keep asking for tolerence, accuse non-muslims of being unjust in dealing with them and their belief. The whole time refusing to speak up, while atrocities are happening around the world in the name of Allah, Muhammed and Islam. The response was short, brief and terse. I was told that "muslim" is not their religeon. Which I failed to clarify as Islam. However I have yet to meet a "muslim" christian or jew. This organization has considerable flaws. They also support and are backing the mosque to be built on ground zero.

I just don't get it. I have never read in the bible that I am to kill people who do not share my beliefs. Nor have I found anyone of the jewish faith to indicate that murder was acceptable, the bible tells us to shake the dust from our feet and move on.

I urge anyone to read a book called

"Jesus and Muhammad - Profound Differences and Surprising Similarities" by Dr. Mark A. Gabriel.

This is a fantastic book on understanding the two different religions, easy to read and easy to understand. If you are muslim or christian, I feel this is a great way to understand each other better. After all, as has been said. No religion unexamined is worth belief.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Tea Party Rolls......

November 2, 2010. It was a revolution. Now to get the liberal republicans out of office and return to the constitutionalists. Trent Lott, Lindsey Graham, John Cornyn , these "elite" repubs that failed to support Tea party nominees need tossed out. It is my goal to help do so, if they choose to do what "they think is best" for us, get them the hell out! The people put you in and the people will take you out. I did not vote straight republican ticket and they are the reason why. We must keep fighting to take America back. Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, the poster children for political failure. Those two old prunes need to fade away. However, should they stay, it will only make 2012 that much easier to "Shellack" the dems again. Update, Pelosi is going to run for house minority leader. Well HELL YEAH!!!!! And all you liberal pundits who said conservatism was dead, or Carville, that the democrats would be in control for the next 40 years! HA, the party may be dead in the 40 years, I also recall Mr. Carville screaming about the administrations failings with the BP oil spill. Juan Williams gets fired over nothing by NPR. I am now in support of defunding the NPR and my congessman and senator have already received my emails.
We have to keep up the good fight, and we will be victorious over the evil that exists in the democratic party, and besides, George Soros is now in his eighty's, how many more elections will he be around before he burns in hell?