Well gang, today is the day. Are you as excited as I am? Wonder what kind of remarkable teleprompter dialog we will hear? I predict Obozo will blame Bush for something, take responsibility for the slight improvement in the economy and blame the GOP and conservative talk radio, for the tragedy in Arizona. He will tell us that we need to "tone" down our rhetoric and that he is going to "unite" this nation. That if he continues to spend, spend, spend..... unemployment will go away and we can all ride around on a winged Pegasus.
I don't know who the biggest dumbass is when you throw Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton or Barack Obama in the same room. People, if you have not noticed, Barack Obozo has created a division in this country like I have never seen before. Jackson and Sharpton do not even come close. The Willie Lynch plan is still working today, open your eyes Black America.
It's a foregone conclusion that racism will be around until enough time has passed that there is only one race left, not due to war, due to mixed breeding. If the earth lasts long enough, there will only be one race. The people who will argue with this statement are the same ones who thought the earth was flat, believe in global warming and think that socialism is a successful platform to rule a country. Bahumbug!
Unfortunately, Obozo has been in office for two years and the only positive change we seen, has just come with the election of conservative values back in congress. Nancy who?
It will be interesting to see what happens over the next few years. Hopefully, the fiasco of the Obozo administration has opened the eyes of the majority of the American people. It seems that we're on track to get our government under control and face the huge problems that we have, both financially and socially.
Remember tonight when Obozo is reading off all the "feel good" and the "heart ache" lines on his teleprompter, he is an idiot. He cannot put together his own two thoughts. Be proud that we are on the way to having this idiot gone and that the majority of us had something to do with it. That for some reason, America is resiliant and we can over come. And that while White society will always have to live with the fact that Carter was elected, our Black society has not done very well either. Perhaps one day when we are all the same color, two even minded individuals can sit around and laugh at the idiots in their family tree. Like MLK stated, "Free at last, free at last, thank God Almighty, we're free at last".
from Texas.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Sunday, January 16, 2011
"When the Levee breaks" - an opinion.
I need to confess that watching "When the Levee Breaks", an HBO documentary by Spike Lee, provoked me into this blog. Katrina was an American disaster, the amount of loss overwhelming. A tragedy that continues.
Spike Lee, I have enjoyed most of his movies even though I would say that he is a blatent racist. I can over look that, I can overlook the hatred that much of Black America has for White America and vice versa. The same for the other races, that's just how it is. I would love to live in a world where racism was nonexistant. Unfortunately, I doubt that I will witness it in my life time. I absolutely disagree that Katrina and New Orleans was about race. Death knew no color boundary.
Did President Bush fail with Katrina? Absolutely! Did FEMA fail in New Orleans? Absolutely! Did Govenor Blanco and Mayor Nagin fail in New Orleans? Absolutely. Bush failed because his chain of command failed and he was the Commander in Chief. FEMA failed because of it's leadership and lack of responsiveness, Michael Chertoff and Mike Brown both failed in their roles. The New Orleans Police department failed it's citizens.
My point is, you can put the blame in any direction and be accurate, even to the citizens who were stuck in this hell. I'm not here to settle the score or assign blame percentages to anyone, I just want to point out the fact, that the race issue is a lame one. The only reason we're hearing it is because the largest population segment in New Orleans is black.
People, you can find good in most anyone, if you only take the time to look. There were many people from all walks of life or Non-Black that were in the first responder group, you hear little mention of this. This should be a great lesson to America's future leaders, from the Preident all the way down to city mayors. If you have the good fortune to have some warning of an impending national disaster, you should be ready to IMPLEMENT your plan, not decide on a course of action, because by then it's to late.
I think all Americans should watch this video, not because of it's quality or it's political and racial overtones, but because it happened in America to Americans, just like 911 and it is not if it happens again, but when. If you really want a demographic slogan, it should be "We're Americans, our Neighbors are Americans and we're here for Americans!". This video brought tears of sadness to me, as I am sure it would most people who watch it. It is a true horror story and I am greatly saddened by the Racial undertones more than anything. It saddens me when people of position, use that power to direct their own fears on the greater population and stir the embers of racial hatred that should have and could have, been put out long long ago.
Spike Lee, I have enjoyed most of his movies even though I would say that he is a blatent racist. I can over look that, I can overlook the hatred that much of Black America has for White America and vice versa. The same for the other races, that's just how it is. I would love to live in a world where racism was nonexistant. Unfortunately, I doubt that I will witness it in my life time. I absolutely disagree that Katrina and New Orleans was about race. Death knew no color boundary.
Did President Bush fail with Katrina? Absolutely! Did FEMA fail in New Orleans? Absolutely! Did Govenor Blanco and Mayor Nagin fail in New Orleans? Absolutely. Bush failed because his chain of command failed and he was the Commander in Chief. FEMA failed because of it's leadership and lack of responsiveness, Michael Chertoff and Mike Brown both failed in their roles. The New Orleans Police department failed it's citizens.
My point is, you can put the blame in any direction and be accurate, even to the citizens who were stuck in this hell. I'm not here to settle the score or assign blame percentages to anyone, I just want to point out the fact, that the race issue is a lame one. The only reason we're hearing it is because the largest population segment in New Orleans is black.
People, you can find good in most anyone, if you only take the time to look. There were many people from all walks of life or Non-Black that were in the first responder group, you hear little mention of this. This should be a great lesson to America's future leaders, from the Preident all the way down to city mayors. If you have the good fortune to have some warning of an impending national disaster, you should be ready to IMPLEMENT your plan, not decide on a course of action, because by then it's to late.
I think all Americans should watch this video, not because of it's quality or it's political and racial overtones, but because it happened in America to Americans, just like 911 and it is not if it happens again, but when. If you really want a demographic slogan, it should be "We're Americans, our Neighbors are Americans and we're here for Americans!". This video brought tears of sadness to me, as I am sure it would most people who watch it. It is a true horror story and I am greatly saddened by the Racial undertones more than anything. It saddens me when people of position, use that power to direct their own fears on the greater population and stir the embers of racial hatred that should have and could have, been put out long long ago.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Knuckleheads on the Left....WTF???
Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was shot by an idiot! My heart goes out to the families of all 19 that were affected by this senseless shooting.
That being said.
It really CHAPS MY ASS, when the national media, particularly those in the state of New York, go bonkers. They have blamed it on Sarah Palin, oh my gosh, what kind of delusional world do you idiots live in? What happened to Bush? As a matter of fact, in the early Yahoo on line news reports, the trigger man was identified as a liberal. Funny how you can't find it anywhere in the media now. Imagine if he had been a conservative, oops no, because then this probably would not have a happened. Strangely enough, with all those packing guns in Arizona, there was no shoot out.
I say "Shame on You", to the local sheriff who started the the farce about the conservatives being at fault here. Conservatism and Palin had nothing to do with this tragedy. Look at the facts. Please check the statistics of Tea Party Rally's vs Democrat Rally's. Tea Party, peaceful event and they clean up after themselves, Dem Rally, arrests and trash every where. The dems are unruly slobs. Guess what else, this was a Democrat function. What the hell, huh? It's like blaming the damn sheriff for not stopping it before it happened. If only you liberal/democrats would wake the FUCK up and get a clue! America has a lot of problems, and the current administration has done more to cause this than anything else. With idiots like Obama, Pelosi and Reid in control, you deserve the SHIT storm that follows. Go against the will of the American people and their is hell to pay, this time the blood is on Obama and his administration's hands.
I pray this new congress can change the direction of this country, it scares me to think of how many more people like Jared Loughner are out there. I find it particularly slimy, that as reported on Yahoo on line, "Democrats were quick to say a shrill climate of political vitriol might have played a role". You think? The Consequences, Gabrielle Giffords so hauntingly predicted, where the product of her own party. America needs to rid it self of this cancer on America, "Death to the Democrat party" and a new Life to the USA!
That being said.
It really CHAPS MY ASS, when the national media, particularly those in the state of New York, go bonkers. They have blamed it on Sarah Palin, oh my gosh, what kind of delusional world do you idiots live in? What happened to Bush? As a matter of fact, in the early Yahoo on line news reports, the trigger man was identified as a liberal. Funny how you can't find it anywhere in the media now. Imagine if he had been a conservative, oops no, because then this probably would not have a happened. Strangely enough, with all those packing guns in Arizona, there was no shoot out.
I say "Shame on You", to the local sheriff who started the the farce about the conservatives being at fault here. Conservatism and Palin had nothing to do with this tragedy. Look at the facts. Please check the statistics of Tea Party Rally's vs Democrat Rally's. Tea Party, peaceful event and they clean up after themselves, Dem Rally, arrests and trash every where. The dems are unruly slobs. Guess what else, this was a Democrat function. What the hell, huh? It's like blaming the damn sheriff for not stopping it before it happened. If only you liberal/democrats would wake the FUCK up and get a clue! America has a lot of problems, and the current administration has done more to cause this than anything else. With idiots like Obama, Pelosi and Reid in control, you deserve the SHIT storm that follows. Go against the will of the American people and their is hell to pay, this time the blood is on Obama and his administration's hands.
I pray this new congress can change the direction of this country, it scares me to think of how many more people like Jared Loughner are out there. I find it particularly slimy, that as reported on Yahoo on line, "Democrats were quick to say a shrill climate of political vitriol might have played a role". You think? The Consequences, Gabrielle Giffords so hauntingly predicted, where the product of her own party. America needs to rid it self of this cancer on America, "Death to the Democrat party" and a new Life to the USA!
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