OK, I guess the Monday night barry da bozo show, finally swayed the opinion of a few people I know and care about. You see, these people actually voted for this POS a few short years ago. Man, I'm telling you, you couldn't have a civil conversation with them if you tried to talk politics. Do you know what I mean? They bought into the smoke and mirrors. “What are his qualifications?” would set off a shit storm! Fast forward two years and what do we have to cheer about? We can cheer about the fact that a lot of misguided, misinformed and sadly mistaken people are starting to realize that they believed in a fairy tale, just like Santa and the Easter bunny. I will be the first to admit that it sounded good, “Change” for America, well hell yeah!!!!! Fix these problems barry, unite the people barry, close down GITMO barry, fix the health plan, win the Nobel Peace Prize barry.. oh you did, that's right... that is why I refuse to EVER have any respect for that organization again. By selecting obozo and bringing a pall over the previous recipients, the Nobel Prize credibility fell on it's ass, period. Just as the case with NPR, which is in the process of losing it's funding and rightly so. It's fun to watch the drama unfold.
Juan Williams gets fired and the house of cards starts to fold. You know how they say that cream rises to the top? Well shit floats to the top as well. So yes, the fantasy sounded good, it was just to good to be true, and hence.... reality bitch slapped more than one dream intoxicated dem/lib/prog.
So Monday, March 28th, 2011, some of my dear friends FINALLY GOT IT! Damn it feels good! The best thing is, that my “free thinking” friends who absolutely despised GW, are paying attention to the world around them now. Doing a lot more research and fact finding, they seem to “think more” about something a bit longer before stating it as fact, rather than foaming at the mouth and screaming. I mean after all, these are the highly educated, superior intelligence, masters of the universe, or so they have told me. They make more money, dress better than me, drive a more expensive car and live in a bigger house. There you have it. That is what makes them better, “bigger and more”, WTF happened to us America? Maybe, just maybe, if we're not speaking Chinese and swearing on the Koran here in the USA in the next few years, it will be because the dem/lib/prog takes a deep breath and realizes they made a mistake with this knucklehead. I am hopeful, but I ain't putting money on it.
I need more coffee.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Saturday, March 26, 2011
WTF???? Rhymes with Geoduck!
Now you know why this piece has the title it does. I have never heard of this bad boy. I've lived in southern cali, and even in Seattle for awhile. Dug for clams in both places, now I see this and yeah, WTF?
I found the article posted on FOXNEWS.COM and had to share it.
It’s not a duck, but it sure is gooey.
"The poorly-spelled geoduck, which is pronounced “gooey duck,” is a large, burrowing clam that is native to the coastal waters of the Pacific Northwest. With a six-inch shell and up to a three-foot long siphon sticking out of it, it’s an odd duck, to say the least.
Burrowing deep within the soil below the salty waters, the mollusk has been known to live up to 150 years thanks to a paucity of predators for the strange-looking creature. But, of course, we number among them.
Not a common site on American tables outside of Washington and Oregon, the geoduck is close to common fare in its natural habitat, where its scallop-like texture is found to be appealing to many shellfish fans. Available for less than $10 a pop in local spots like Seattle's Pike Place Market, your best bet for buying it outside of the region is from online outlets like Marx Foods or Taylor Shellfish Farms, but it can cost $25 per pound or more.
Perhaps not surprisingly, it is also a prized delicacy in East Asia, where it is considered by some to be an aphrodisiac. A passing glance at its shape probably explains why.
Over there it’s eaten every which way – with spicy chilies, wasabi, and even raw – but geoduckrecipes.com suggests trying it in a white wine risotto with parmesan cheese, which sounds pretty tasty, but would you eat it?".
Would you? As a working chef, I can promise you I would give it a try and I have aready been thinking about all the cool things you could do with it.
Currently working on a piece for my soap box, a little ranting and raving. We been so busy trying to get the new place open that I have actually been able to sleep like a normal person. Go figure. Anyway I hope you believers out there are praying for Japan, as am I. I know the timing is never right for such a devestating event to occur. I'm just looking for a "silver lining" for lack of a better term. I was talking to some friends, as well as co workers, even my mother about the radiation exposure. What struck me as awesome was that each of us had thought on own, that maybe this was God saying "whoa, you need to rethink this nuclear bomb and nuclear war threats. Look what POSITIVE nuclear use is capable of, stay away". I'm hoping all living people are thinking the same thing as well. Nuclear weapons and radiation death is the gift that keeps on giving.
Please pray and give what you have to offer the Japanese. I cannot imagine the horrors and fear that must be rampant in that beautiful country.
From Texas
Friday, March 18, 2011
Something to Think about.
An earthquake, tsunami, death, destruction and and crippled nuclear plants. And how's your week been? Very bad for Japan. What concerns me the most is watching helicopters deliver water to the damaged nuclear plants. When I think of Japan, I don't think of Pearl Harbor, like my grandparents did, I think about Godzilla and Honda and booming technology. The cheap ass monster movies that used to terrify me until I actually saw the monster on screen, lets face it, Japan was very smart in switching to anime. Like a lot of Kung Fu movies, the English overdubbing was pretty erratic as well.
Now seeing news clips of helicopters carrying water in these huge buckets, well it was like something out of one of those terrible Japanese monster movies. It's like this seems so FAKE, how in the HELL do you battle radiation with large buckets of water? It just don't seem to correlate. OK, I know they are trying to cool the reactors down but you have to admit it seems a bit far fetched. Forest fires, sure, helicopters are used with regularity. My nuclear image, is of an Asian techno-scientist in a lab coat and a sterile environment, or at least using hazmat suits and the like with some kind of mystery end all to battle the radiation. Nobody gets dirty and eventually they find the right button to push or valve to close and it's all over. The movie ends and we go home.
Maybe I have seemed callous in writing this, however it is NOT the case. I can't imagine the stress that must be rampant all over Japan. I went through hurricane Ike and was with out power, gas and water for 18 days. That was no picnic, but to see a country virtually obliterated, I can only pray for them.
The point I am making is this, and think about it, Iran with a nuclear plant.
What are your thoughts? The Japanese and the Iranians are not on the same scale. Education is at the forefront for the Japanese kids while the Iranians, er...... the boys are reading the Koran and learning about jihad and martyrdom. You just don't go from cave dweller to nuclear energy provider over a few years. True, there are many highly trained and skilled Iranian doctors and engineers. However, with the history of graft, war, poverty and Islamic rule, I am betting the a fore mentioned doctors and engineers are working in the USA and other modern countries. Think about it. Japanese culture is one of pride, perfection and honor and look at their history. OK and Iran? It is what it is people. I bet the Iranian plant has more engineering and construction faults than we can imagine. Throw in the stuxnet worm and who knows what the hell is gonna happen.
The Japanese, with highly skilled people, could not build a nuclear plant with all the necessary checks and balances to provide for a totally safe nuclear environment, maybe that's an oxymoron huh? Then we have Iranians, where truth depends on who is speaking, and where you protect your family honor by killing your daughter because she spoke to a male outside of the family. Sleep safe tonight.
From Texas
Now seeing news clips of helicopters carrying water in these huge buckets, well it was like something out of one of those terrible Japanese monster movies. It's like this seems so FAKE, how in the HELL do you battle radiation with large buckets of water? It just don't seem to correlate. OK, I know they are trying to cool the reactors down but you have to admit it seems a bit far fetched. Forest fires, sure, helicopters are used with regularity. My nuclear image, is of an Asian techno-scientist in a lab coat and a sterile environment, or at least using hazmat suits and the like with some kind of mystery end all to battle the radiation. Nobody gets dirty and eventually they find the right button to push or valve to close and it's all over. The movie ends and we go home.
Maybe I have seemed callous in writing this, however it is NOT the case. I can't imagine the stress that must be rampant all over Japan. I went through hurricane Ike and was with out power, gas and water for 18 days. That was no picnic, but to see a country virtually obliterated, I can only pray for them.
The point I am making is this, and think about it, Iran with a nuclear plant.
What are your thoughts? The Japanese and the Iranians are not on the same scale. Education is at the forefront for the Japanese kids while the Iranians, er...... the boys are reading the Koran and learning about jihad and martyrdom. You just don't go from cave dweller to nuclear energy provider over a few years. True, there are many highly trained and skilled Iranian doctors and engineers. However, with the history of graft, war, poverty and Islamic rule, I am betting the a fore mentioned doctors and engineers are working in the USA and other modern countries. Think about it. Japanese culture is one of pride, perfection and honor and look at their history. OK and Iran? It is what it is people. I bet the Iranian plant has more engineering and construction faults than we can imagine. Throw in the stuxnet worm and who knows what the hell is gonna happen.
The Japanese, with highly skilled people, could not build a nuclear plant with all the necessary checks and balances to provide for a totally safe nuclear environment, maybe that's an oxymoron huh? Then we have Iranians, where truth depends on who is speaking, and where you protect your family honor by killing your daughter because she spoke to a male outside of the family. Sleep safe tonight.
From Texas
Nuclear power,
Sharia Law,
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Sex, Guns and Sharia Law, aint life great!
Howdy all, first and formost, you know how I like to share "interesting" items that I come across, today is no different. I have a little snippet article from "Guns and Patriots" that will probably anger some and make others tingle with glee. I know, I put sex ahead of guns in the title, life's not always in order either ok?
In the Crosshairs
Mike Piccione, Editor
Hey Gunners,
Did you know your tax dollars fund the National Council of La Raza? I pulled their tax returns and found out that our government funnels big money to the illegal immigration lobby.
Project GunRunner is a joint project between the ATF and Justice Department. This program encourages straw buyers to make purchases on behalf of drug cartels and the result is a thousand or so guns going into the hands of Mexican drug gangs. One of those guns killed Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry. Agent Terry was firing bean bags at an illegal immigrant that was armed with a gun that was supplied to him via Project GunRunner.
On September 7, 2010 Mayors Against Illegal Guns, a Mayor Michael Bloomberg lead organization, issued a statement that the guns used in crimes in Mexico are to be blamed on lax laws in the United States. Now Bloomberg and Senator Chuck Schumer are going after gun shows and want further restrictions on law abiding citizens outside of their own badly managed state.
So there you have it. Our government funds the illegal immigration lobby while our Border Patrol Agents are shooting bean bags at foreign criminals armed with guns supplied by the United States government who is going after private gun transactions based on rigged data about foreign gun seizures. I'm really looking forward to your comments this week. Please read and comment on Outrage! US Government Funding La Raza with Your Tax Dollars.
John Guandolo points out in his article The Muslim Brotherhood in America: Part II - MB History & Their Arrival in America that there are over 2,000 Islamic non-profit 501(c)(3) organizations in the United States. I wonder if our government will be funding these groups so that Sharia law can be printed in Spanish.
Stay loaded my friends,
Mike Piccione
Editor, Guns & Patriots
Bloomberg and Schumer? Don't these two knuckleheads have enough problems with their own state? Bloomberg needs to get over his God complex, you wanna impress me Bloomberg, cure cancer, then end hunger and poverty while your at it. Well???
Sex time is here, are you ready? Is anyone other than me tired of the Amanda Knox menage a trois drama? I have tried to mantain some interest but it just aint happening. The truth is that this thing gets front page attention because of the sordid sexual details that people can allude to. It's like the perfect romance gone horribly wrong. An American woman in Italy with an Italian boyfriend, I mean how many romantic novels have started off this way. Throw in some drugs and alcohol and a little kinky sex, bing bang boom shit's goes wrong. Unfortunately a young woman lost her life and it seems like Inspector Clouseau should be involved from here on out. There are so many problems with this situation that it will never have a nice "tidy" ending. Kind of like the Holloway case, you really have a strong idea of what went down and who is guilty. It's just that burden of proof is non existant, or seemingly so anyway. I'm not going to get started on Cleveland, Texas. My grandparents lived there in their later years, as did a great uncle. I have friends in the area and I need more facts before I comment on the gang rape of an 11 year old hispanic child. That's for another day.
Lastly, two words, Sharia Law. If you live under a rock and have no idea what this is, run don't walk, to the public library and crack a Websters or my favorite, GOOGLE it. I know some of my backwoods brethen might agree with a few points relating to the treatment of women, but seriously, this belief system goes back to the days of living in a cave. Please if you do anything today, pay some attention to what Shariah Law would mean in the USA. If your a woman, it should infuriate you, if you believe in justice, it should make you take up arms, if you believe in peace, it should make you ready for battle. Please research Shariah law, it is not what America stands for, how can the elite lefties and the woman of powerful political action groups like "NOW" support this? Much less the gay, lesbian and transgender groups. If George W. Bush or even a republican in office where to table something of this ideology, it would make the mayhem in Wisconsin look like a kindergarten birthday party.
Alot of things going on people, pray for Libya and Japan. Oh, got my tomatoes and squash in the ground, so keeping my fingers crossed.
From Texas
In the Crosshairs
Mike Piccione, Editor
Hey Gunners,
Did you know your tax dollars fund the National Council of La Raza? I pulled their tax returns and found out that our government funnels big money to the illegal immigration lobby.
Project GunRunner is a joint project between the ATF and Justice Department. This program encourages straw buyers to make purchases on behalf of drug cartels and the result is a thousand or so guns going into the hands of Mexican drug gangs. One of those guns killed Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry. Agent Terry was firing bean bags at an illegal immigrant that was armed with a gun that was supplied to him via Project GunRunner.
On September 7, 2010 Mayors Against Illegal Guns, a Mayor Michael Bloomberg lead organization, issued a statement that the guns used in crimes in Mexico are to be blamed on lax laws in the United States. Now Bloomberg and Senator Chuck Schumer are going after gun shows and want further restrictions on law abiding citizens outside of their own badly managed state.
So there you have it. Our government funds the illegal immigration lobby while our Border Patrol Agents are shooting bean bags at foreign criminals armed with guns supplied by the United States government who is going after private gun transactions based on rigged data about foreign gun seizures. I'm really looking forward to your comments this week. Please read and comment on Outrage! US Government Funding La Raza with Your Tax Dollars.
John Guandolo points out in his article The Muslim Brotherhood in America: Part II - MB History & Their Arrival in America that there are over 2,000 Islamic non-profit 501(c)(3) organizations in the United States. I wonder if our government will be funding these groups so that Sharia law can be printed in Spanish.
Stay loaded my friends,
Mike Piccione
Editor, Guns & Patriots
Bloomberg and Schumer? Don't these two knuckleheads have enough problems with their own state? Bloomberg needs to get over his God complex, you wanna impress me Bloomberg, cure cancer, then end hunger and poverty while your at it. Well???
Sex time is here, are you ready? Is anyone other than me tired of the Amanda Knox menage a trois drama? I have tried to mantain some interest but it just aint happening. The truth is that this thing gets front page attention because of the sordid sexual details that people can allude to. It's like the perfect romance gone horribly wrong. An American woman in Italy with an Italian boyfriend, I mean how many romantic novels have started off this way. Throw in some drugs and alcohol and a little kinky sex, bing bang boom shit's goes wrong. Unfortunately a young woman lost her life and it seems like Inspector Clouseau should be involved from here on out. There are so many problems with this situation that it will never have a nice "tidy" ending. Kind of like the Holloway case, you really have a strong idea of what went down and who is guilty. It's just that burden of proof is non existant, or seemingly so anyway. I'm not going to get started on Cleveland, Texas. My grandparents lived there in their later years, as did a great uncle. I have friends in the area and I need more facts before I comment on the gang rape of an 11 year old hispanic child. That's for another day.
Lastly, two words, Sharia Law. If you live under a rock and have no idea what this is, run don't walk, to the public library and crack a Websters or my favorite, GOOGLE it. I know some of my backwoods brethen might agree with a few points relating to the treatment of women, but seriously, this belief system goes back to the days of living in a cave. Please if you do anything today, pay some attention to what Shariah Law would mean in the USA. If your a woman, it should infuriate you, if you believe in justice, it should make you take up arms, if you believe in peace, it should make you ready for battle. Please research Shariah law, it is not what America stands for, how can the elite lefties and the woman of powerful political action groups like "NOW" support this? Much less the gay, lesbian and transgender groups. If George W. Bush or even a republican in office where to table something of this ideology, it would make the mayhem in Wisconsin look like a kindergarten birthday party.
Alot of things going on people, pray for Libya and Japan. Oh, got my tomatoes and squash in the ground, so keeping my fingers crossed.
From Texas
sexy language,
Sharia Law
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Leonard Pitts Jr., Dear Sir..... another racist A$$hole.
Sunday March 13th
You know how I love my coffee and Sunday mornings. The paper, the web and everything that is going on with our little planet earth. I have had an on going email offensive with Leonard Pitts jr., of the Miami Herald. This man is so misinformed it's scary. You can read his syndicated column for today in many newspapers. My response is below, as is an article on black crime statistics. I didn't make this up, it's out there, all you got to do is look. In "The truth about black crime" by R. Jeneen Jones. She gives us the facts statisticly, then she goes on to say that maybe it's our perception that is skewed, not that facts. I felt she hung herself so to speak, to build a case and then to suggest that you need to look for more than the "facts", WTF is wrong with these people?
Looks like you must be falling on hard times with the lightening rod subjects your writing about. I have even noticed that the Chronicle has published your column a bit more frequently. Had your readership been on the wane? Personally I hope you keep stirring that proverbial pot. What a grand way to display your own racism, bigotry and hate. It's very easy to read between the lines of a delusional hack, in this case a race baiting black hack. Keep venting because I am starting to see the humor.
Obama as our 1st black president has really been stellar eh? I really like this line you used. "You see it in the hysterical (in both senses of the word) reaction to the election of the first black president". First and most obvious, what was the black turn out for the 2010 election? According to CBS news on Nov. 2, 2010
"Black voter turnout also appears to be lower during the midterm election. An estimated 10 percent of blacks are voting, compared to 13 percent in 2008".
Sooooooo obviously some white people, in fact a lot of "hysterical" white people voted for him, or he would NOT have been elected. I do not support him because of his gross lack of qualifications. He has divided this nation, not brought it together, one of his many failed campaign promises. You can try to play the race card but what you need is information, and a way to assimilate that information to the black population and all others concerned with "whitey" oppressing you. Look at the statistics for black Americans, you want to point the blame, try looking in the mirror. Please see "The truth about black crime" at the end of this email. Remember this, "Hate don't heal".
I have no idea when or where you were "wronged", by some white people or white dude, but they sure fucked you up. Now all you can do is rile up the less informed minorities in the distribution and syndication areas of the Miami Herald. As I have told you time and again Pitts, look in the mirror, pray about it, you are doing more harm than good. Not only to yourself but to anyone who reads your drivel and is taken in by it. Why don't you do some "fact" gathering for your next piece. Give up the race card, even though it is lucrative and easy to use. The ones you are really selling out are those "statistics" that are the people of colors who actually believe what you write.
The Truth About Black Crime
by: R Jeneen Jones
Early last year, I wrote an article entitled "Who's Afraid of Black Men?",
which raised the issue of how society views black men as criminals,
regardless of their true nature. After posting the feature, I received tons
of email. While most African Americans praised my comments, many non-blacks
agreed that black men are generally violent and aggressive law breakers.
After all, one just has to look at the statistics. In all fairness, I decided
to do just that and discovered some very interesting details:
Among men, blacks (28.5%) are about six times more likely than whites (4.4%)
to be admitted to prison during their life. Among women, 3.6% of blacks and
0.5% of whites will enter prison at least once. (U.S. Department of Justice)
Based on current rates of incarceration, an estimated 7.9% of black males
compared to 0.7% of white males will enter State of Federal prison by the
time they are age 20 and 21.4% of black males versus 1.4% of white males will
be incarcerated by age 30. (U.S. Department of Justice)
Some have noted that more black men are in prison in America than are in
college. (The Black and White of Justice, Freedom Magazine, Volume 128)
Statistics on black crime are, on the surface, very bleak. There are,
however, some very important factors that help to influence the numbers.
Consider those and a strong case for a much different view unfolds. Since 62%
of persons admitted to Federal prison and 31.1% of those admitted to State
prison for the first time were sentenced because of drug offenses, let us
first take a look at the racial disparity in the war on drugs:
The National Institute of Drug Abuse estimated that while 12 percent of drug
users are black, they make up nearly 50 percent of all drug possession
arrests in the U.S. (The Black and White of Justice, Freedom Magazine, Volume 128)
According to the National Drug Strategy Network, although African Americans
make up less than one-third of the population in Georgia, the black arrest
rate for drugs is five times greater than the white arrest rate. In addition,
since 1990, African Americans have accounted for more than 75% of persons
incarcerated for drug offenses in Georgia and make up 97.7% of the people in
that state who are given life sentences for drug offenses.
In six California counties independently surveyed in 1995, 100% of those
individuals sent to trial on drug charges were minorities, while the
drug-using population in those same counties was more than 60% white. (The
Black and White of Justice, Freedom Magazine, Volume 128)
A CNN article in 1996 sited U.S. government figures that show more than 90
percent of all federal prosecutions for crack cocaine in 1995 were of African
American defendants. In addition, unlike convictions for powered cocaine and
other drugs (which wealthy, Caucasian defendants are more likely to use), a
conviction for selling crack cocaine can carry a lengthy prison term without
benefit of parole.
I know some people might think that African Americans are arrested so often
for drug offenses because police officers target drug dealers and most blacks
fit that profile. If that is indeed the case, why did an analysis by the
Georgia State Board of Pardons and Paroles find that 77% of the offenses
leading to the first conviction and 79% of the offenses leading to a second
drug conviction involved less than one gram of a controlled substance. In
addition, that same study found that 60% of the cases involved drug values of
less than $50. I'm sure Georgia isn't the only state in which such statistics
hold true.
What about figures for other types of crimes? According to the U.S.
Department on Justice, property and drug offenses account for 76.4 % and
56.4% respectively of crimes by individuals admitted to Federal and State
prison for the first time. Most criminal convictions are, therefore, not for
violent crimes. Even still, there is evidence to suggest that race also plays
a factor in those types of cases:
In 1997, the American Bar Association observed that quite often public
defenders, who are most likely to be assigned to poor and largely minority
defendants, are inexperienced, underpaid, overworked, and largely indifferent
to their client's plight. (Philadelphia Bar Association Calls for Moratorium
on Death, A-Infos News Service, 12/19/97)
Even though it is illegal, throughout the nation, there are incidents of
local officials influencing jury selection to include mostly white males.
This is done mainly because local police and law officials are afraid that
randomly selected jurors will be more liberal and less likely to convict
defendants. (Prosecutors Object to New Method of Jury Selection, St.
Petersburg Times, 12/28/98 and The Race of Decision Makers, RSTL Study)
A 1990 study by The U.S. General Accounting Office, indicated that racial
bias has influenced prosecutors' decisions to charge a defendant with a
capital offense and/or to proceed to trial rather than plea bargain. (U.S.
General Accounting Office Report, Death Penalty Sentencing, 1990)
What do all of these findings suggest? For starters, we cannot conclude how
many African Americans or black males are actually guilty of committing
crimes. We can only obtain data on the number of black males who are arrested
for and convicted of a crime. While arrest rates are highly subjective, one
could argue that a conviction is a guilty sentence in the eyes of the law.
Though that is true, given the racial undertones and biases still present in
the American judicial system, it seems highly unjust to assume that black
crime statistics are a valid indication of the state of the entire community
of African American males.
Am I implying that African American males do not commit crimes? Not at all.
In my opinion, there is an equal distribution of criminals (and law abiding
citizens) among all racial and ethnic groups and blacks are no more likely to
be criminals than are whites. The data shows, however, that African Americans
more likely than others to be arrested and convicted. It is for that reason
that I propose we use our intelligence and humanity to look beyond the
numbers. Even though it has been shown time and time again that racial
discrimination still exists in almost every segment of our society, (Driving
While Black, Police & Civil Rights Leaders Sit Down to Build Bridges,
Painting Insanity Black, Avis Charged with Discrimination, The New Face of
Racism, Race & The Death Penalty, Bell Atlantic Sued for Discrimination,
Judge OKs Boeing Bias Settlement, Black Customers Sue Denny's) why do some
people find it impossible to consider that it also exists in our judicial
Will we ever be able to agree on the truth about black crime (or know the
real story on white crime) in this nation? I doubt it. I do hope we will
open the lines of communication and learn to discuss all of the facts. Only
then will we be able to make changes and overcome the tremendous effect that
race continues to have on the perception of black males in America.
Perception indeed, I'm just tired of being blamed for everything. So in keeping with my train of thought, if you think I am the racist, bigot here. Convince me otherwise, else KMA. Good day!
You know how I love my coffee and Sunday mornings. The paper, the web and everything that is going on with our little planet earth. I have had an on going email offensive with Leonard Pitts jr., of the Miami Herald. This man is so misinformed it's scary. You can read his syndicated column for today in many newspapers. My response is below, as is an article on black crime statistics. I didn't make this up, it's out there, all you got to do is look. In "The truth about black crime" by R. Jeneen Jones. She gives us the facts statisticly, then she goes on to say that maybe it's our perception that is skewed, not that facts. I felt she hung herself so to speak, to build a case and then to suggest that you need to look for more than the "facts", WTF is wrong with these people?
Looks like you must be falling on hard times with the lightening rod subjects your writing about. I have even noticed that the Chronicle has published your column a bit more frequently. Had your readership been on the wane? Personally I hope you keep stirring that proverbial pot. What a grand way to display your own racism, bigotry and hate. It's very easy to read between the lines of a delusional hack, in this case a race baiting black hack. Keep venting because I am starting to see the humor.
Obama as our 1st black president has really been stellar eh? I really like this line you used. "You see it in the hysterical (in both senses of the word) reaction to the election of the first black president". First and most obvious, what was the black turn out for the 2010 election? According to CBS news on Nov. 2, 2010
"Black voter turnout also appears to be lower during the midterm election. An estimated 10 percent of blacks are voting, compared to 13 percent in 2008".
Sooooooo obviously some white people, in fact a lot of "hysterical" white people voted for him, or he would NOT have been elected. I do not support him because of his gross lack of qualifications. He has divided this nation, not brought it together, one of his many failed campaign promises. You can try to play the race card but what you need is information, and a way to assimilate that information to the black population and all others concerned with "whitey" oppressing you. Look at the statistics for black Americans, you want to point the blame, try looking in the mirror. Please see "The truth about black crime" at the end of this email. Remember this, "Hate don't heal".
I have no idea when or where you were "wronged", by some white people or white dude, but they sure fucked you up. Now all you can do is rile up the less informed minorities in the distribution and syndication areas of the Miami Herald. As I have told you time and again Pitts, look in the mirror, pray about it, you are doing more harm than good. Not only to yourself but to anyone who reads your drivel and is taken in by it. Why don't you do some "fact" gathering for your next piece. Give up the race card, even though it is lucrative and easy to use. The ones you are really selling out are those "statistics" that are the people of colors who actually believe what you write.
The Truth About Black Crime
by: R Jeneen Jones
Early last year, I wrote an article entitled "Who's Afraid of Black Men?",
which raised the issue of how society views black men as criminals,
regardless of their true nature. After posting the feature, I received tons
of email. While most African Americans praised my comments, many non-blacks
agreed that black men are generally violent and aggressive law breakers.
After all, one just has to look at the statistics. In all fairness, I decided
to do just that and discovered some very interesting details:
Among men, blacks (28.5%) are about six times more likely than whites (4.4%)
to be admitted to prison during their life. Among women, 3.6% of blacks and
0.5% of whites will enter prison at least once. (U.S. Department of Justice)
Based on current rates of incarceration, an estimated 7.9% of black males
compared to 0.7% of white males will enter State of Federal prison by the
time they are age 20 and 21.4% of black males versus 1.4% of white males will
be incarcerated by age 30. (U.S. Department of Justice)
Some have noted that more black men are in prison in America than are in
college. (The Black and White of Justice, Freedom Magazine, Volume 128)
Statistics on black crime are, on the surface, very bleak. There are,
however, some very important factors that help to influence the numbers.
Consider those and a strong case for a much different view unfolds. Since 62%
of persons admitted to Federal prison and 31.1% of those admitted to State
prison for the first time were sentenced because of drug offenses, let us
first take a look at the racial disparity in the war on drugs:
The National Institute of Drug Abuse estimated that while 12 percent of drug
users are black, they make up nearly 50 percent of all drug possession
arrests in the U.S. (The Black and White of Justice, Freedom Magazine, Volume 128)
According to the National Drug Strategy Network, although African Americans
make up less than one-third of the population in Georgia, the black arrest
rate for drugs is five times greater than the white arrest rate. In addition,
since 1990, African Americans have accounted for more than 75% of persons
incarcerated for drug offenses in Georgia and make up 97.7% of the people in
that state who are given life sentences for drug offenses.
In six California counties independently surveyed in 1995, 100% of those
individuals sent to trial on drug charges were minorities, while the
drug-using population in those same counties was more than 60% white. (The
Black and White of Justice, Freedom Magazine, Volume 128)
A CNN article in 1996 sited U.S. government figures that show more than 90
percent of all federal prosecutions for crack cocaine in 1995 were of African
American defendants. In addition, unlike convictions for powered cocaine and
other drugs (which wealthy, Caucasian defendants are more likely to use), a
conviction for selling crack cocaine can carry a lengthy prison term without
benefit of parole.
I know some people might think that African Americans are arrested so often
for drug offenses because police officers target drug dealers and most blacks
fit that profile. If that is indeed the case, why did an analysis by the
Georgia State Board of Pardons and Paroles find that 77% of the offenses
leading to the first conviction and 79% of the offenses leading to a second
drug conviction involved less than one gram of a controlled substance. In
addition, that same study found that 60% of the cases involved drug values of
less than $50. I'm sure Georgia isn't the only state in which such statistics
hold true.
What about figures for other types of crimes? According to the U.S.
Department on Justice, property and drug offenses account for 76.4 % and
56.4% respectively of crimes by individuals admitted to Federal and State
prison for the first time. Most criminal convictions are, therefore, not for
violent crimes. Even still, there is evidence to suggest that race also plays
a factor in those types of cases:
In 1997, the American Bar Association observed that quite often public
defenders, who are most likely to be assigned to poor and largely minority
defendants, are inexperienced, underpaid, overworked, and largely indifferent
to their client's plight. (Philadelphia Bar Association Calls for Moratorium
on Death, A-Infos News Service, 12/19/97)
Even though it is illegal, throughout the nation, there are incidents of
local officials influencing jury selection to include mostly white males.
This is done mainly because local police and law officials are afraid that
randomly selected jurors will be more liberal and less likely to convict
defendants. (Prosecutors Object to New Method of Jury Selection, St.
Petersburg Times, 12/28/98 and The Race of Decision Makers, RSTL Study)
A 1990 study by The U.S. General Accounting Office, indicated that racial
bias has influenced prosecutors' decisions to charge a defendant with a
capital offense and/or to proceed to trial rather than plea bargain. (U.S.
General Accounting Office Report, Death Penalty Sentencing, 1990)
What do all of these findings suggest? For starters, we cannot conclude how
many African Americans or black males are actually guilty of committing
crimes. We can only obtain data on the number of black males who are arrested
for and convicted of a crime. While arrest rates are highly subjective, one
could argue that a conviction is a guilty sentence in the eyes of the law.
Though that is true, given the racial undertones and biases still present in
the American judicial system, it seems highly unjust to assume that black
crime statistics are a valid indication of the state of the entire community
of African American males.
Am I implying that African American males do not commit crimes? Not at all.
In my opinion, there is an equal distribution of criminals (and law abiding
citizens) among all racial and ethnic groups and blacks are no more likely to
be criminals than are whites. The data shows, however, that African Americans
more likely than others to be arrested and convicted. It is for that reason
that I propose we use our intelligence and humanity to look beyond the
numbers. Even though it has been shown time and time again that racial
discrimination still exists in almost every segment of our society, (Driving
While Black, Police & Civil Rights Leaders Sit Down to Build Bridges,
Painting Insanity Black, Avis Charged with Discrimination, The New Face of
Racism, Race & The Death Penalty, Bell Atlantic Sued for Discrimination,
Judge OKs Boeing Bias Settlement, Black Customers Sue Denny's) why do some
people find it impossible to consider that it also exists in our judicial
Will we ever be able to agree on the truth about black crime (or know the
real story on white crime) in this nation? I doubt it. I do hope we will
open the lines of communication and learn to discuss all of the facts. Only
then will we be able to make changes and overcome the tremendous effect that
race continues to have on the perception of black males in America.
Perception indeed, I'm just tired of being blamed for everything. So in keeping with my train of thought, if you think I am the racist, bigot here. Convince me otherwise, else KMA. Good day!
Leonard Pitts,
Miami Herald,
Obama drama,
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Muzlim Ad Nauseum
Saw a poll today where less than 3% polled, felt that the Muslim hearings by Rep. Peter King of New York were unfair to the Muslim people. 93% of those polled felt that it was about damn time there were hearings on Islamic extremism in the USA. If there are mosques in the USA that are supporting jihad in any format, they need to be identified and shut down, the Imam's should be charged with treason and jailed or deported to their Islamic country of choice.
I am telling you from 1st hand experience, the Islamic people I have contacted from CAIR in Houston are not open to any discussion. In the glare of the TV cameras, they will smile and promise they are looking forward to some dialogue. Be glad to discuss islam the religion of peace, yeah WTF ever....... Liars! I have attached my emails to CAIR in Houston. They are kind of back to front so to speak. Most of it is my communication with this mystery guy, so I responded by not identifying myself other than email address, which we all know can be manipulated at will.
So I am quite sure I will be called an islamaphobe, so be it. To many of my friends who live insulated lives have no idea the scope of danger we are facing. The civil war was long, bloody and sadistic. Family against family brother against brother, a war between the Islamist and the "infidels" would most likely create a new entry in the definition of war, blood and death.
I have posted my emails below just in case there was any interst in reading them. The emails will seem illogical at first, because there is some repitition. Thanks for your patience.
November 8, 2010 7:42:33 PMRe: FEEDBACK FORM
From: Native TexanView Contact
I aplogize for not calling it Islam, however, one who is Muslim is most certainly Islamic, wouldn't you agree? I still see NO response from any Islamic groups in the greater Houston area denouncing this al-Awlaki. Why is this? All over the USA their is an uproar, yet it seems people of Islam will not denounce the terror that is being done in the name of Allah. You ask for tolerence, tell us that Islam is a religion of peace. How can you and others involved with CAIR ask this of us, even to the point of wishing to build a mosque at ground "Zero", yet you will not proclaim the jihadist for what they are? Silence is serving no one.
Upon reading "Jesus and Mohammed" by Dr. Mark Gabriel, I feel that Islam promotes violence and zero tolerence for any other beliefs. It is an interesting book and I found it quite facinating. Afterall, I feel any unexamined belief is useless. There are many questions I would pose to an Imam ,taken straight from the questions Dr. Gabriel posed. I suppose we will see what this brings. Have a nice evening, and you should take a look at Dr. Gabriel's book.
To: landbyron@yahoo.com
Sent: Mon, November 8, 2010 1:48:20 PM
We appreciate your interest in starting a dialog with us. Our
organization denounces all acts of violence committed against innocent
human beings in the name any religion. Furthermore, Muslim is not a
religion. Muslim is what you call a person whose religion is Islam. Just
like a Christian is someone whose religion is Christianity. We humbly
ask that you not judge all Muslims based on the actions of one
individual or a small group of individuals and please judge each
individual based on the content of his or her own character.
Thank You.
On 11/8/2010 10:33 AM, landbyron@yahoo.com wrote:
> Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by
> (landbyron@yahoo.com) on Monday, November 8, 2010 at 10:33:55
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> name: reg
> phone: 832-551-1429
> comment:
> Please tell me your response to this article. Why do you not denounce this vigorously? Muslim is a relegion of peace?
> CAIRO -- A U.S.-born radical Yemeni cleric linked to previous attacks on the U.S. called for Muslims around world to kill Americans in a new video message posted on radical websites Monday.
> Anwar al-Awlaki said since all Americans are the enemy, clerics don't need to issue any special fatwas or religious rulings allowing them to be killed.
> "Don't consult with anybody in killing the Americans, fighting the devil doesn't require consultation or prayers seeking divine guidance. They are the party of the devils," he said. "We are two opposites who will never come together."
> In the 23-minute Arabic language message entitled "Make it known and clear to mankind," al-Awlaki said that for Americans and Muslims it was "either us or them."
> Born in New Mexico, al-Awlaki has used his website and English-language sermons to encourage Muslims around the world to kill U.S. troops in Iraq and has been tied by U.S. intelligence to the 9/11 hijackers, underwear bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, as well as Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, the Army psychiatrist accused of killing 13 people in November at Fort Hood, Texas. U.S. investigators say since he returned to Yemen in 2006, al-Awlaki has moved beyond just inspiring militants to becoming an active operative in al-Qaida's affiliate there.
> On Friday, the Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula claimed responsibility for sending bombs through the mail in packages addressed to the U.S. which was thwarted a week ago.
> This is the first full posting of the video, after clips of it were released on Oct. 23, two weeks before the mail bombs were uncovered.
> Al-Awlaki also attacked rulers in the Arab world, particularly Yemen, describing them as corrupt and he called on religious scholars to declare them "non-Muslims" for betraying the Muslim people.
> "Kings, emirs, and presidents are now not qualified to lead the nation, or even a flock of sheep," he said. "If the leaders are corrupt, the scholars have the responsibility to lead the nation."
> He added that these leaders would have to be removed for the Muslim people to move forward.
> The only way Muslims were going to protect themselves from the threat of the infidels was by supporting the "mujahedeen," he said, referring to those fighting for Al Qaeda.
> "If we support the mujahedeen, we will win it all and if we let them down, we will lose it all," he said while wearing traditional Yemeni clothes with a dagger at his belt sitting behind a desk.
> Submit: Submit
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
>Thu, March 10, 2011 11:14:40 AMRe: Muslim Debate
From: CAIR INFOView Contact
To: Native Texan
I'm not sure why you would characterize my response as hostile. I felt I was respectful but if there is a specific part of my response that you had an issue with you can certainly let me know. Also at no point was I asked about Hamas and Hezbollah but we denounce any organization that seeks to instill people with terror or injure or kill innocent people using any ideology be it Islam/Christianity/Judaism or any political ideology.
On 3/10/2011 10:59 AM, Native Texan wrote:
Sir, I have NEVER had any response or dialogue after your initial hostile response to my first inquiry. Is this typical? I'm seeing the same form of reaction to Rep. King's hearings in New York. Do you you have a comment I could post on my blog? This is the sort of passive/aggressive behavior that makes me question the "peaceful" aspect of your religion. That and the refusal to denounce Hamas and Hezbollah. Will you make a statement on the hearings in New York?
I would characterize the tone of the message where you illustrated the difference between Islam and Muslim. You did not however reply to my question of how many Muslim people are non Islamic. In other words sir, you wished to want to aggrivate me perhaps, but that is not my primary concern. My concern is that Muslim/Islamist scream for tolerance yet at the same time refuse to bestow it on others. I have put all of my inquiries on my Blog and the responses of cairhouston.org, or the lack of response on as well.
Now to summarize, and I wish to be perfectly clear,
1. I asked for a statement from CAIR Houston in regard to an article about Anwar al-Awlaki. CAIR had no comment.
2. I asked for a statement regarding CAIR Houston and the proposed Ground Zero Mosque. CAIR had no comment.
3. I asked for a statement regarding the King hearings in New York, CAIR still has no comment.
It seems the only time anyone from CAIR use the terms "debate, dialogue, discussion", are when the TV cameras are on you. Then you are asking for such things, yet when we bring them to you, you have no intentions of any "open" discussions. If you think most American are accepting this as good will, you would be mistaken. There is a poll on FOX right now with over 52,000 votes and less than 3% of those polled, feel Muslim/Islamist are being unfairly singled out. Over 94% stated that it was time that Muslim/Islamist stepped to the table. The secrecy, denial or whatever you wish to call it, will not work here in the West. Fear and intimidation may work for you for awhile, bet eventually even that fails. In my humble opinion Sir, for non-islamist to ever have a respectful understanding, your group needs to start showing examples of what say versus what you do.
I will continue to bring to light that denial, and continue to proclaim the need for skepticism of CAIR and ANY muslim group that will not speak out against the terrorism that so much of the world is enduring. All of which is attributed to Islam and in the name of Muhammad. Jihad. Thank you for your comments that CAIR houston DOES denounce Hamas and Hezbollah, and I will post those to my blog.
Still have your copy of the book by Mark Gabriel, "Jesus and Muhammad" on my desk. I would be glad to deliver it to you. After all, as I have said many times.
A religion unexamined is a religion unworthy of having. I can understand your concerns, yet I faced mine, it only strengthened my beliefs.
To: Native Texan
Sent: Thu, March 10, 2011 11:14:40 AM
Subject: Re: Muslim Debate
I'm not sure why you would characterize my response as hostile. I felt I was respectful but if there is a specific part of my response that you had an issue with you can certainly let me know. Also at no point was I asked about Hamas and Hezbollah but we denounce any organization that seeks to instill people with terror or injure or kill innocent people using any ideology be it Islam/Christianity/Judaism or any political ideology.
On 3/10/2011 10:59 AM, Native Texan wrote:
Sir, I have NEVER had any response or dialogue after your initial hostile response to my first inquiry. Is this typical? I'm seeing the same form of reaction to Rep. King's hearings in New York. Do you you have a comment I could post on my blog? This is the sort of passive/aggressive behavior that makes me question the "peaceful" aspect of your religion. That and the refusal to denounce Hamas and Hezbollah. Will you make a statement on the hearings in New York?
I am telling you from 1st hand experience, the Islamic people I have contacted from CAIR in Houston are not open to any discussion. In the glare of the TV cameras, they will smile and promise they are looking forward to some dialogue. Be glad to discuss islam the religion of peace, yeah WTF ever....... Liars! I have attached my emails to CAIR in Houston. They are kind of back to front so to speak. Most of it is my communication with this mystery guy, so I responded by not identifying myself other than email address, which we all know can be manipulated at will.
So I am quite sure I will be called an islamaphobe, so be it. To many of my friends who live insulated lives have no idea the scope of danger we are facing. The civil war was long, bloody and sadistic. Family against family brother against brother, a war between the Islamist and the "infidels" would most likely create a new entry in the definition of war, blood and death.
I have posted my emails below just in case there was any interst in reading them. The emails will seem illogical at first, because there is some repitition. Thanks for your patience.
November 8, 2010 7:42:33 PMRe: FEEDBACK FORM
From: Native Texan
I aplogize for not calling it Islam, however, one who is Muslim is most certainly Islamic, wouldn't you agree? I still see NO response from any Islamic groups in the greater Houston area denouncing this al-Awlaki. Why is this? All over the USA their is an uproar, yet it seems people of Islam will not denounce the terror that is being done in the name of Allah. You ask for tolerence, tell us that Islam is a religion of peace. How can you and others involved with CAIR ask this of us, even to the point of wishing to build a mosque at ground "Zero", yet you will not proclaim the jihadist for what they are? Silence is serving no one.
Upon reading "Jesus and Mohammed" by Dr. Mark Gabriel, I feel that Islam promotes violence and zero tolerence for any other beliefs. It is an interesting book and I found it quite facinating. Afterall, I feel any unexamined belief is useless. There are many questions I would pose to an Imam ,taken straight from the questions Dr. Gabriel posed. I suppose we will see what this brings. Have a nice evening, and you should take a look at Dr. Gabriel's book.
To: landbyron@yahoo.com
Sent: Mon, November 8, 2010 1:48:20 PM
We appreciate your interest in starting a dialog with us. Our
organization denounces all acts of violence committed against innocent
human beings in the name any religion. Furthermore, Muslim is not a
religion. Muslim is what you call a person whose religion is Islam. Just
like a Christian is someone whose religion is Christianity. We humbly
ask that you not judge all Muslims based on the actions of one
individual or a small group of individuals and please judge each
individual based on the content of his or her own character.
Thank You.
On 11/8/2010 10:33 AM, landbyron@yahoo.com wrote:
> Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by
> (landbyron@yahoo.com) on Monday, November 8, 2010 at 10:33:55
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> name: reg
> phone: 832-551-1429
> comment:
> Please tell me your response to this article. Why do you not denounce this vigorously? Muslim is a relegion of peace?
> CAIRO -- A U.S.-born radical Yemeni cleric linked to previous attacks on the U.S. called for Muslims around world to kill Americans in a new video message posted on radical websites Monday.
> Anwar al-Awlaki said since all Americans are the enemy, clerics don't need to issue any special fatwas or religious rulings allowing them to be killed.
> "Don't consult with anybody in killing the Americans, fighting the devil doesn't require consultation or prayers seeking divine guidance. They are the party of the devils," he said. "We are two opposites who will never come together."
> In the 23-minute Arabic language message entitled "Make it known and clear to mankind," al-Awlaki said that for Americans and Muslims it was "either us or them."
> Born in New Mexico, al-Awlaki has used his website and English-language sermons to encourage Muslims around the world to kill U.S. troops in Iraq and has been tied by U.S. intelligence to the 9/11 hijackers, underwear bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, as well as Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, the Army psychiatrist accused of killing 13 people in November at Fort Hood, Texas. U.S. investigators say since he returned to Yemen in 2006, al-Awlaki has moved beyond just inspiring militants to becoming an active operative in al-Qaida's affiliate there.
> On Friday, the Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula claimed responsibility for sending bombs through the mail in packages addressed to the U.S. which was thwarted a week ago.
> This is the first full posting of the video, after clips of it were released on Oct. 23, two weeks before the mail bombs were uncovered.
> Al-Awlaki also attacked rulers in the Arab world, particularly Yemen, describing them as corrupt and he called on religious scholars to declare them "non-Muslims" for betraying the Muslim people.
> "Kings, emirs, and presidents are now not qualified to lead the nation, or even a flock of sheep," he said. "If the leaders are corrupt, the scholars have the responsibility to lead the nation."
> He added that these leaders would have to be removed for the Muslim people to move forward.
> The only way Muslims were going to protect themselves from the threat of the infidels was by supporting the "mujahedeen," he said, referring to those fighting for Al Qaeda.
> "If we support the mujahedeen, we will win it all and if we let them down, we will lose it all," he said while wearing traditional Yemeni clothes with a dagger at his belt sitting behind a desk.
> Submit: Submit
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
>Thu, March 10, 2011 11:14:40 AMRe: Muslim Debate
To: Native Texan
I'm not sure why you would characterize my response as hostile. I felt I was respectful but if there is a specific part of my response that you had an issue with you can certainly let me know. Also at no point was I asked about Hamas and Hezbollah but we denounce any organization that seeks to instill people with terror or injure or kill innocent people using any ideology be it Islam/Christianity/Judaism or any political ideology.
On 3/10/2011 10:59 AM, Native Texan wrote:
Sir, I have NEVER had any response or dialogue after your initial hostile response to my first inquiry. Is this typical? I'm seeing the same form of reaction to Rep. King's hearings in New York. Do you you have a comment I could post on my blog? This is the sort of passive/aggressive behavior that makes me question the "peaceful" aspect of your religion. That and the refusal to denounce Hamas and Hezbollah. Will you make a statement on the hearings in New York?
I would characterize the tone of the message where you illustrated the difference between Islam and Muslim. You did not however reply to my question of how many Muslim people are non Islamic. In other words sir, you wished to want to aggrivate me perhaps, but that is not my primary concern. My concern is that Muslim/Islamist scream for tolerance yet at the same time refuse to bestow it on others. I have put all of my inquiries on my Blog and the responses of cairhouston.org, or the lack of response on as well.
Now to summarize, and I wish to be perfectly clear,
1. I asked for a statement from CAIR Houston in regard to an article about Anwar al-Awlaki. CAIR had no comment.
2. I asked for a statement regarding CAIR Houston and the proposed Ground Zero Mosque. CAIR had no comment.
3. I asked for a statement regarding the King hearings in New York, CAIR still has no comment.
It seems the only time anyone from CAIR use the terms "debate, dialogue, discussion", are when the TV cameras are on you. Then you are asking for such things, yet when we bring them to you, you have no intentions of any "open" discussions. If you think most American are accepting this as good will, you would be mistaken. There is a poll on FOX right now with over 52,000 votes and less than 3% of those polled, feel Muslim/Islamist are being unfairly singled out. Over 94% stated that it was time that Muslim/Islamist stepped to the table. The secrecy, denial or whatever you wish to call it, will not work here in the West. Fear and intimidation may work for you for awhile, bet eventually even that fails. In my humble opinion Sir, for non-islamist to ever have a respectful understanding, your group needs to start showing examples of what say versus what you do.
I will continue to bring to light that denial, and continue to proclaim the need for skepticism of CAIR and ANY muslim group that will not speak out against the terrorism that so much of the world is enduring. All of which is attributed to Islam and in the name of Muhammad. Jihad. Thank you for your comments that CAIR houston DOES denounce Hamas and Hezbollah, and I will post those to my blog.
Still have your copy of the book by Mark Gabriel, "Jesus and Muhammad" on my desk. I would be glad to deliver it to you. After all, as I have said many times.
A religion unexamined is a religion unworthy of having. I can understand your concerns, yet I faced mine, it only strengthened my beliefs.
To: Native Texan
Sent: Thu, March 10, 2011 11:14:40 AM
Subject: Re: Muslim Debate
I'm not sure why you would characterize my response as hostile. I felt I was respectful but if there is a specific part of my response that you had an issue with you can certainly let me know. Also at no point was I asked about Hamas and Hezbollah but we denounce any organization that seeks to instill people with terror or injure or kill innocent people using any ideology be it Islam/Christianity/Judaism or any political ideology.
On 3/10/2011 10:59 AM, Native Texan wrote:
Sir, I have NEVER had any response or dialogue after your initial hostile response to my first inquiry. Is this typical? I'm seeing the same form of reaction to Rep. King's hearings in New York. Do you you have a comment I could post on my blog? This is the sort of passive/aggressive behavior that makes me question the "peaceful" aspect of your religion. That and the refusal to denounce Hamas and Hezbollah. Will you make a statement on the hearings in New York?
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Schiller & Schiller, the end of federal funds for NPR - James Okeefe Rocks!!!
As my Grandmother always said, "you wait long enough, you can see that what goes around, comes around". I cannot tell you how PLEASED I was to read this morning that Vivian Schiller "resigned" as president of NPR.
When Juan Williams was fired over his Muslim garb statement, I could not believe it. I never really cared for Juan Williams, however he was a liberal that I could respect. He did more than try to speak over you or shout you down, he made intelligent statements and had some good arguments. Vivian Schiller was very pompous in the way she handled his termination. Now don't feel sorry for her, she will land on her feet. NPR on the other hand is likely to lose the 90 million dollars it receives in federal funding. I know it sounds like a lot, but I believe that only makes up 2% of NPR's over all budget. Still, that's 90 million we could put to better use. I had to stop listening to the NPR affiliate here in Houston. KPFT has become communist radio and I am not interested in BBC or 98% of their other programming. They had several weekend shows I followed regularly.
My hats off to you Mr. O'Keefe! You took out ACORN and now it looks like NPR is going to feel some heat as well. It will be interesting to see how the libs/progs/dems write this off. For the record, Ron Schiller who was the subject of the video that O'Keefe recorded. He made some wild accusations about conservatives and the tea party, then went on record to state;
"The current Republican Party, particularly the Tea Party, is fanatically involved with people's personal lives," he said. Schiller described that movement as "white, middle America, gun-toting," and added: "They're seriously racist people."
Well I guess I am one of the great "unwashed" so to speak. Ron Schiller says that we're uneducated and ignorant. Coming from a jackass like him, I will take that as a compliment. Besides I enjoy watching the "Mighty" fall. Thanks again Mr. O'Keefe.
When Juan Williams was fired over his Muslim garb statement, I could not believe it. I never really cared for Juan Williams, however he was a liberal that I could respect. He did more than try to speak over you or shout you down, he made intelligent statements and had some good arguments. Vivian Schiller was very pompous in the way she handled his termination. Now don't feel sorry for her, she will land on her feet. NPR on the other hand is likely to lose the 90 million dollars it receives in federal funding. I know it sounds like a lot, but I believe that only makes up 2% of NPR's over all budget. Still, that's 90 million we could put to better use. I had to stop listening to the NPR affiliate here in Houston. KPFT has become communist radio and I am not interested in BBC or 98% of their other programming. They had several weekend shows I followed regularly.
My hats off to you Mr. O'Keefe! You took out ACORN and now it looks like NPR is going to feel some heat as well. It will be interesting to see how the libs/progs/dems write this off. For the record, Ron Schiller who was the subject of the video that O'Keefe recorded. He made some wild accusations about conservatives and the tea party, then went on record to state;
"The current Republican Party, particularly the Tea Party, is fanatically involved with people's personal lives," he said. Schiller described that movement as "white, middle America, gun-toting," and added: "They're seriously racist people."
Well I guess I am one of the great "unwashed" so to speak. Ron Schiller says that we're uneducated and ignorant. Coming from a jackass like him, I will take that as a compliment. Besides I enjoy watching the "Mighty" fall. Thanks again Mr. O'Keefe.
Friday, March 4, 2011
What's up Wisconsin? (Note to the libs, dems and progressives)
The NY Times is gonna publish their version of the facts. If you read one of their polls stating that the unions are going to win this prolonged battle, be ready for disapointment. I was reading on FOX.com this a.m. and I came across this reply in a comment about the state democrats possibly being arrested. The gentleman who made the comment was defending unions, and in a round about way, shed some light on his ignorance. And we wonder why the foam falls off the shuttle. He reminds me of sheep following the shepard. 8 years in the Navy and 30 years in the Aero space Industry. Sounds like a Jim Jones Devotee to me. Kool Aid anyone?
State & Local
Senate GOP in Wisconsin Orders Police to Take AWOL Dems Into Custody
Published March 03, 2011
| FoxNews.com
Print Email Share Comments (6718) Text Size
"I am pro union 60 years old retired for over 3 years 30 years in a union 8 years in the Navy.My aerospace career of 30 years has aloud me to retire very early 401 k plan I put $1.00 in company puts in $.50, pension $2500.00 a month,401 k plan $7000.00 a month,S/S I will get another $2500.00 a month when I hit 62.My insurance for my wife and I is $40.00 per month until 65 then medicare.
My wife is a high school teacher loves her job she can afford to retire she loves it so I HAVE TO FISH MORE I will make that sacrifice for her. If you are not in a union you don't have to be in one you can work until your 70 that is your choice. 3 months off during the summer you wish,my wife was always going to school to improve herself as do many of her teaching friends and they pick up the tab on there own.My health insurance is better than my wifes and she has a 4 year degree.If you are not in a union you are most likely working for a facist most of the Fox followers have a misconception of facism its combination of industry and government to supress the workers by holding wages down.In a union conditions are better,wages,insurance vacation,sickleave,for a better life join one.Almost forgot my union dues of $70.00 a month also covered my pension,strike fund and $2.00 a month for politcal funding. When I started working my union dues were $15.00 a month.So after 30 years the union dues that I paid into I got all back after 11 months of pension payouts.It was well worth my choice 30 years ago".
I'm not gonna knock the guy for grammer and spelling, I have issues of my own. His thought process is out of whack though.
He needs to understand a few things. The "Aero space" industry, if you wanna call it that, is really another version of the US Postal service, ie mismanaged, little oversite and completely over funded, or was. These companies stay in business by bid and lobby. Where does the money come from that is paying this guy? Try US tax dollars. If a government contract is what supports an industry, it is NOT an industry and in the great old USA, it's a club for the good ol boys. Once again please remember the democrat motto is spend, spend, spend. They have great belief in the trickle down theory, which means cash in their pockets.
Now read between the lines and you see the real deal. Who needs higher education when as a union member you have better health insurance than someone with a 4 year degree. Why work hard and try to improve your families future? Why better yourself, why not suck the teat with the rest of the public employees? Eventually it all ends SUCKER, because there is no more money or those paying the bill finally get off their ass and wake up going WTF! It looks like that time might be now. I think this will be a wake up call across America and it's about damn time!
>"Fox followers have a misconception of facism its combination of industry and government to supress the workers by holding wages down.In a union conditions are better,wages,insurance vacation,sickleave,for a better life join one".
So let's see, that means once you become a union member, you can break all of your previous agreements if you decide you don't like them. I admit that they were needed years ago because workers were getting ripped . Now that has gone full circle and the companies are getting ripped off. The smaller ones are out sourceing the work off shore. Who's to blame? Who bitches the loudest about losing these jobs? Ask a New Yorker about union labor. There is no middle ground. Also, it is another form of entightlement, who else needed bailouts for their poor decisions.... the friggin union. Who paid for all the bail outs? Correct again.... we did, us middle class people who don't know anything. Tell me who in their right mind wants a leadership that runs and hides from problems? This only tells me that the dems know it's a lost cause, and they are gonna get their ass kicked. Rather than face the music, or negotiate, you run. I can hear them now "yeah we did the best we could, we ran and hid in a 5 star Hotel, it was tough, we ate shrimp, lobster and steak. Watched it all on a big screen tv in the bar, oh and thanks for picking up the tab".
I for one will salute the last dying union, for what they stood for and the service they provided, that is until they became corrupt cess pools, offensive and useless as they are today. Death to all unions!
State & Local
Senate GOP in Wisconsin Orders Police to Take AWOL Dems Into Custody
Published March 03, 2011
| FoxNews.com
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"I am pro union 60 years old retired for over 3 years 30 years in a union 8 years in the Navy.My aerospace career of 30 years has aloud me to retire very early 401 k plan I put $1.00 in company puts in $.50, pension $2500.00 a month,401 k plan $7000.00 a month,S/S I will get another $2500.00 a month when I hit 62.My insurance for my wife and I is $40.00 per month until 65 then medicare.
My wife is a high school teacher loves her job she can afford to retire she loves it so I HAVE TO FISH MORE I will make that sacrifice for her. If you are not in a union you don't have to be in one you can work until your 70 that is your choice. 3 months off during the summer you wish,my wife was always going to school to improve herself as do many of her teaching friends and they pick up the tab on there own.My health insurance is better than my wifes and she has a 4 year degree.If you are not in a union you are most likely working for a facist most of the Fox followers have a misconception of facism its combination of industry and government to supress the workers by holding wages down.In a union conditions are better,wages,insurance vacation,sickleave,for a better life join one.Almost forgot my union dues of $70.00 a month also covered my pension,strike fund and $2.00 a month for politcal funding. When I started working my union dues were $15.00 a month.So after 30 years the union dues that I paid into I got all back after 11 months of pension payouts.It was well worth my choice 30 years ago".
I'm not gonna knock the guy for grammer and spelling, I have issues of my own. His thought process is out of whack though.
He needs to understand a few things. The "Aero space" industry, if you wanna call it that, is really another version of the US Postal service, ie mismanaged, little oversite and completely over funded, or was. These companies stay in business by bid and lobby. Where does the money come from that is paying this guy? Try US tax dollars. If a government contract is what supports an industry, it is NOT an industry and in the great old USA, it's a club for the good ol boys. Once again please remember the democrat motto is spend, spend, spend. They have great belief in the trickle down theory, which means cash in their pockets.
Now read between the lines and you see the real deal. Who needs higher education when as a union member you have better health insurance than someone with a 4 year degree. Why work hard and try to improve your families future? Why better yourself, why not suck the teat with the rest of the public employees? Eventually it all ends SUCKER, because there is no more money or those paying the bill finally get off their ass and wake up going WTF! It looks like that time might be now. I think this will be a wake up call across America and it's about damn time!
>"Fox followers have a misconception of facism its combination of industry and government to supress the workers by holding wages down.In a union conditions are better,wages,insurance vacation,sickleave,for a better life join one".
So let's see, that means once you become a union member, you can break all of your previous agreements if you decide you don't like them. I admit that they were needed years ago because workers were getting ripped . Now that has gone full circle and the companies are getting ripped off. The smaller ones are out sourceing the work off shore. Who's to blame? Who bitches the loudest about losing these jobs? Ask a New Yorker about union labor. There is no middle ground. Also, it is another form of entightlement, who else needed bailouts for their poor decisions.... the friggin union. Who paid for all the bail outs? Correct again.... we did, us middle class people who don't know anything. Tell me who in their right mind wants a leadership that runs and hides from problems? This only tells me that the dems know it's a lost cause, and they are gonna get their ass kicked. Rather than face the music, or negotiate, you run. I can hear them now "yeah we did the best we could, we ran and hid in a 5 star Hotel, it was tough, we ate shrimp, lobster and steak. Watched it all on a big screen tv in the bar, oh and thanks for picking up the tab".
I for one will salute the last dying union, for what they stood for and the service they provided, that is until they became corrupt cess pools, offensive and useless as they are today. Death to all unions!
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Matt Taibbi is a Hack / Most Liberals really do suck!
Yep, I was looking through the January "Rollingstone" and had to respond to an article by Matt Taibbi. Here is my letter to the editor.
"Hey RS,
Been reading this mag for a long time and I can deal with the, WAY THE fu.................ck out there left leanings, this is America after all and I still dig the music aspect of the mag. NEWS ALERT !!! Matt Taibbi is a HACK! I was cracking up at all the "props" he has been getting in the "correspondence" over some of his recent articles in RS. This has apparently gone to his head. He has an opinion and he's entitled to it, but so do I. Stick to sports Matt or do a better job of research or just admit that your venting. You remind me of Rick Casey at the "Houston Chronicle", you shout from your soap box and when you start to get your ass kicked, you start crying and want to change the rules. So man up and grow a set, what do you think that article was really about? You whining your ass off like a little girl, just not in public, in print. I knew you were a hack when read your support for Barney Frank and Chris Dodd, try googling either of these idiots, much less Nancy Pelosi or Harry Reid. Be interesting to know how much Nancy spends on A. her office, B. her plane, C. her staff. But alas, you don't want to go there, because the truth hurts. You libs screwed this country up and us poor ass working class stiffs are doing what we think is going to fix it. Take that finger your using to point out all of the repubs failures and stick it up your ass! Now, that was my opinion.
Well I feel better, and yes I am venting too, but hey, it's my opinion and I am entitled to "put it out there" as well. The next ten years will be damn interesting.
From Texas
"Hey RS,
Been reading this mag for a long time and I can deal with the, WAY THE fu.................ck out there left leanings, this is America after all and I still dig the music aspect of the mag. NEWS ALERT !!! Matt Taibbi is a HACK! I was cracking up at all the "props" he has been getting in the "correspondence" over some of his recent articles in RS. This has apparently gone to his head. He has an opinion and he's entitled to it, but so do I. Stick to sports Matt or do a better job of research or just admit that your venting. You remind me of Rick Casey at the "Houston Chronicle", you shout from your soap box and when you start to get your ass kicked, you start crying and want to change the rules. So man up and grow a set, what do you think that article was really about? You whining your ass off like a little girl, just not in public, in print. I knew you were a hack when read your support for Barney Frank and Chris Dodd, try googling either of these idiots, much less Nancy Pelosi or Harry Reid. Be interesting to know how much Nancy spends on A. her office, B. her plane, C. her staff. But alas, you don't want to go there, because the truth hurts. You libs screwed this country up and us poor ass working class stiffs are doing what we think is going to fix it. Take that finger your using to point out all of the repubs failures and stick it up your ass! Now, that was my opinion.
Well I feel better, and yes I am venting too, but hey, it's my opinion and I am entitled to "put it out there" as well. The next ten years will be damn interesting.
From Texas
The end of Black History Month, for this year. Wisconsin, WTF?
Oh my gosh! What a day, opened the paper and to my relief, there was not another daily report on some black person in history, thank the lord there are only 28 days in February. Do you realize that if every race pushed for column space, there would be nothing else in the paper. Some people do not get it. I also stumbled across a new scholarship that is only available to Caucasian males with a 3.0 or higher GPA. That will be enough to cause a shit storm with LULAC, the NAACP, the rev jesse jackass and of course rev al "the dipstick" sharpton. Next few days will be interesting to see who/what else will climb out from under a rock.
Speaking of over correcting, duh, you get that hah? I think the crap happening in Wisconsin has only strengthened my opinion that unions have overstayed their welcome. True, they were useful and very much in need at one point in history, those days are now gone and have been for quite sometime. It is unfortunate that there was such a gross reversal in the application of the union and union rules. They were created for the benefit of the worker, but NOT to the detriment of the company. If there were NO company, there would be no workers. It's not like the chicken and the egg. The company was there 1st, it was an idea that was assimilated and financed and put into action and thus hired employees. So it was the company before the employee.
Why even bother with rules? I mean, they are not obeying the rules they have already agreed with. If Reagan was here, ouch! It would be like the air traffic controllers all over again. He would fire some ass! Teachers are public employees paid by tax dollars, and just like all the other government jobs, these employees want all the benefits without any strings attached. I have a friggin problem with that! I am so tired of reading about public schools and how terrible they are, and on the very next page how we are being unfair to these very same teachers. Why? Because we expect them to do what they were hired to do? Come on? The government sector earns more than the private sector in nearly every category and they have better benefits. Why am I so pissed? I am pissed because they also are the least efficient in function, have the least amount of job over site and have arguably NO chance of losing their jobs for any reason. We are the ones paying for this crap and I'm tired of it. I hate standing in line at the post office, where there are 15 counter stations and only two are open, and both of these individuals are bitching about needing a break. The IRS and the US Postal service would NEVER make it in the private sector.
We all know someone that works for the post office or works for the school district. I am not saying that they all suck, I'm saying that they have been conditioned to act they way they do, because of these strong arm unions. Hell, I would too, all the perks they get, are you kidding me? However in the real world, every damn thing costs something, I am so tired of watching my taxes go up and seeing how "big brother" is spending it. It's just like all the other social programs and the entitlement agenda obozo is pushing. Who's gonna pay for it? I'm not!
I hope to see the next few congress' make some major changes. Money is going to be the major platform discussions for years to come. As these guys whittle away at government spending your gonna hear some crying and screaming. Maybe your wallet hasn't been hit.....yet, because of these unions and public servants, yeah whatever, public servant? Talk about an oxymoron.
If you know an individual that happens to be a government employee, bend their ear. Ask them to defend the charges being made. If they don't break out into a fevered rant and curse you I will be surprised, they might even smile at you and not want to discuss it, and that is because they are unable to defend their position. And all the state democratic leaders chose to run and hide, yeah that is exactly what I want to see from my government leadership. That sounds like obozo's best idea yet, run and hide.
Speaking of over correcting, duh, you get that hah? I think the crap happening in Wisconsin has only strengthened my opinion that unions have overstayed their welcome. True, they were useful and very much in need at one point in history, those days are now gone and have been for quite sometime. It is unfortunate that there was such a gross reversal in the application of the union and union rules. They were created for the benefit of the worker, but NOT to the detriment of the company. If there were NO company, there would be no workers. It's not like the chicken and the egg. The company was there 1st, it was an idea that was assimilated and financed and put into action and thus hired employees. So it was the company before the employee.
Why even bother with rules? I mean, they are not obeying the rules they have already agreed with. If Reagan was here, ouch! It would be like the air traffic controllers all over again. He would fire some ass! Teachers are public employees paid by tax dollars, and just like all the other government jobs, these employees want all the benefits without any strings attached. I have a friggin problem with that! I am so tired of reading about public schools and how terrible they are, and on the very next page how we are being unfair to these very same teachers. Why? Because we expect them to do what they were hired to do? Come on? The government sector earns more than the private sector in nearly every category and they have better benefits. Why am I so pissed? I am pissed because they also are the least efficient in function, have the least amount of job over site and have arguably NO chance of losing their jobs for any reason. We are the ones paying for this crap and I'm tired of it. I hate standing in line at the post office, where there are 15 counter stations and only two are open, and both of these individuals are bitching about needing a break. The IRS and the US Postal service would NEVER make it in the private sector.
We all know someone that works for the post office or works for the school district. I am not saying that they all suck, I'm saying that they have been conditioned to act they way they do, because of these strong arm unions. Hell, I would too, all the perks they get, are you kidding me? However in the real world, every damn thing costs something, I am so tired of watching my taxes go up and seeing how "big brother" is spending it. It's just like all the other social programs and the entitlement agenda obozo is pushing. Who's gonna pay for it? I'm not!
I hope to see the next few congress' make some major changes. Money is going to be the major platform discussions for years to come. As these guys whittle away at government spending your gonna hear some crying and screaming. Maybe your wallet hasn't been hit.....yet, because of these unions and public servants, yeah whatever, public servant? Talk about an oxymoron.
If you know an individual that happens to be a government employee, bend their ear. Ask them to defend the charges being made. If they don't break out into a fevered rant and curse you I will be surprised, they might even smile at you and not want to discuss it, and that is because they are unable to defend their position. And all the state democratic leaders chose to run and hide, yeah that is exactly what I want to see from my government leadership. That sounds like obozo's best idea yet, run and hide.
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