Friday, December 23, 2011

More Muslim Idiosy!

Yo, hello to all of ya!

Merry CHRISTmas and Happy New Year!

Couldn't help but cut and paste this delightful article on another completely stupid Muslim move. 
These people want to be taken seriously for their beliefs and such, yet one reads about this type of assault with regularity.  I ask you, how do you defend Mr. Mimoune?  Don't tell me he is poverty stricken and uneducated either.  I don't care.   The point is, that  if he's illiterate he really doesn't understand what his beliefs are either.  So all he knows is how to act out what he has been taught from other Muslims,his Imam etc.  If this is true, it is all a cult mentality.  So logically, Muslim = Cult.

Oh and one other thing.
If the nurse was a friend of mine I would have kicked his little bitch ass!

Happy reading Y'all.

Religion - WORLD

French Muslim Jailed for Punching Nurse Who Removed His Wife's Burqa

Published December 23, 2011

PARIS – A Muslim man has been jailed in France for punching a nurse who tried to remove his wife's burqa during an emergency C-section.
Nassim Mimoune, 24, was earlier banned from the delivery room after calling a midwife a "rapist" when she tried to perform an intimate examination on his wife in a Marseille hospital on Monday, La Provence newspaper reported.
The pregnant woman, who had been having contractions for two days when she was admitted, begged her husband to allow the examination, but he threatened her with divorce.
Mimoune, a construction worker from Paris, was then taken away to view the childbirth from another room, but flew into a rage when he saw the nurse removing his wife's burqa.
He smashed open the locked door of the operating room and punched the woman in the face, telling her to replace his wife's Islamic veil.
He was arrested on a charge of assault while his wife delivered a healthy baby boy.
Jailing him Wednesday for six months, the investigating judge described him as putting, "his religious dogma above the laws of the Republic and his French citizenship."
Mimoune apologized in court for his actions and admitted that he had endangered his unborn child.
He said seeing his wife's veil lifted in front of a male health worker was like seeing her "bare-chested" in front of another man.

What a dumbass............................

Well anyway, Have a safe and Happy Holiday Season!

From Texas

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Saturday, December 17, 2011

So I was wrong.... Ouch, Herman Cain.

Well looks like Herman left his ballz on the mantle for this Christmas.  I guess I just got over zealous with my hope in him.  An articulate successful black man, not at all like Obozo.  Have ya noticed that jobs are picking up and the economy is starting to buzz?  It's because we're going to have an election people!  The current administration is scared shitless!  Thats why all of these friggin Obozo photo ops.  Barry ended the war and is bringing home our troops.  FALSE!  Barry jump started our poor economy. FALSE!  Barry has created jobs and the unemployment levels are dropping. FALSE!  (See earlier blog on employment please).
People are feeling like there is change in the air, and once we get the idiot out of office America will shine again, NO THANKS to the current administration.  The real thing is we all will have HOPE after he's gone and then we will welcome real change with a new president.

People are EXCITED because Obozo's gonna be out of job come January 2013, when that happens the rats will begin the tell all series of books on just how bad it WAS during the Obozo Whitehouse.  In the meantime, I will admit I was wrong in predicting Cains victory.  I have noticed that the libs are trying to steer the election of the nominee thay want for the GOP.  Look at this way.  If Romney wins, the Dems win.  If Gingrich gets the nomination.... er, well, Obozo has a good chance of beating that rat bastard.  Four more years of Barry Obozo?  Hell no!  Cyanide laced kool aide parties would run rampant.  The South might even rise again.  Oh yeah, Perry's in the mix, forget that last statement.  For you haters, look at how the media reports on the GOP, if you can't read between the lines your screwed.  Hate to see you go Herman Cain, I even hope you have a chance at secretary of state, but I doubt it.  If your gonna cut and run because of "untrue" pot shots at your family, I don't want you in charge of the front lines of my freedom.  That being said.... almost a year before the vote and as Hunter S. Thompson stated, "when the going gets weird - the weird turn pro".  I'm turning pro folks.

From Texas