We are watching the decline maybe even the fall of the American Empire, couldn't tell the elite Romans anything either. The elite and leadership of their time were into the same welfare role and sponsorship as the democrats are today. Look what happened.
Democrats need to learn that just because you are wrong or incorrect, does not really make you stupid. You just made a mistake. If you can ever understand that you and your party are fallible, there is a chance albeit a small one, for normalization of the democratic party.
All of the people of Illinois please read the following. Oh, and get ready because your taxes will being going up to cover the costs that will be associated with this "grand idea"..
.1. $11 Billion to $22 billion is spent on welfare to illegal aliens each year by state governments. Verify at: http://*******.com/zob77
2. $2.2 Billion dollars a year is spent on food assistance programs such as food stamps, WIC, and free school lunches for illegal aliens.
Verify at: http://www.cis.org/articles...
3. $2.5 Billion dollars a year is spent on Medicaid for illegal aliens.
Verify at: http://www.cis.org/articles...
4. $12 Billion dollars a year is spent on primary and secondary school education for children here illegally and they cannot speak a word of English!
Verify at: http://transcripts.cnn.com/...
5. $17 Billion dollars a year is spent for education for the American-born children of illegal aliens, known as anchor babies.
Verify at http://transcripts.cnn.com/...
6. $3 Million Dollars a DAY is spent to incarcerate illegal aliens.
Verify at: http://transcripts.cnn.com/...
7. 30% percent of all Federal Prison inmates are illegal aliens.
Verify at: http://transcripts.cnn.com/...
8. $90 Billion Dollars a year is spent on illegal aliens for Welfare & social services by the American taxpayers.
Verify at: http://premium.cnn.com/TRAN...
9. $200 Billion dollars a year in suppressed American wages are caused by the illegal aliens.
Verify at:http://transcripts.cnn.com/...
10. The illegal aliens in the United States have a crime rate that's two and a half times that of white, non-illegal aliens. In particular, their children, are going to make a huge additional crime problem in the US Verify at: http://transcripts.cnn.com/...
11. During the year of 2005 there were 4 to 10 MILLION illegal aliens that crossed our Southern Border also, as many as 19,500 illegal aliens from Terrorist Countries. Millions of pounds of drugs, cocaine, meth, heroin and marijuana crossed into the U. S. from the Southern border.
Verify at: Homeland Security Report: http://*******.com/t9sht 12. The National policy Institute, estimated that the total cost of mass deportation would be between $206 and $230 billion or an average cost of between $41 and $46 billion annually over a five year period.
Verify at: http://www.nationalpolicyin...
13. In 2006 illegal aliens sent home $45 BILLION in remittances to their countries of origin.
Verify at: http://www.rense.com/genera... >
14. The Dark Side of Illegal Immigration: Nearly One million sex crimes Committed by Illegal Immigrants In The United States .
Read more: http://www.azcentral.com/community/phoenix/articles/2010/05/10/20100510arizona-immigration-protest-conventions0510-ON.html#ixzz0ndqEaoD8
Monday, January 28, 2013
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Californication Diatribe
I had the opportunity to live in California for awhile, namely, So Cal, in both Upland and Ontario. I was only in the third grade when we moved there, but I have some really great memories of the beaches and the mountains. Riding motorcycles with my Dad in the foothills, Pop Warner football, skateboarding, and camping out on Mt. Baldy. So it is really disheartening to talk about the shit hole that California has become.
The cesspool of progressive/liberalism can be found here in the many stellar, state funded universities. Great places where left wing nut jobs get hired for life, no matter what they say or the ideas that they and a limited (but well funded) minority support. That my friends is elitism at it's core. California is rife with elitism. In my opinion, cash is the cause of the vile place it has become. There are a great many "rags to riches", stories in Cali. Oil and mineral millionaires abound. Unfortunately, Fate does give anyone an IQ test before bestowing it upon you. Cash buys many things, you take an idiot with a lot of cash and it might shock you to see the "credibility", that great wealth can offer. So if cash can buy credibility, then can it not also provide "legitimacy" as well, hence my opinion. Perhaps money really is the root of all evil.
California barely beats out New York for the "Asshole" of American states. At least in California not everyone looks alike. I don't know if it's inbreeding or cold temperatures. The only place you ever see beautiful women are in the city, and they are typically not from New York, go figure. When sweat pants are a "hot" fashion statement for women, something is terribly wrong. Where guys like Bloomberg are the prototype of the model I discussed in the 2nd paragraph. They should not be allowed to breed, much less hold the leadership of any organization larger than "bait cutter" for an offshore fishing trip. In the end, new York is just to small, everybody should visit one time, it's probably as close to Hell as you can get on earth.
California is a large state, that and the amount of beautiful people, are the only reason it triumphs over New York. And ultimately, Hollywood has an edge over San Francisco when it comes to the crown jewel of a "train gone off the tracks". They are the Sodom and Gomorrah of America. You would think that if anyone ever read the Bible in that godless state it would be an epiphany moment. Read Proverbs 6: 16-19 and see how it strikes you. For those of you in California google it as you see spelled here.
California, thanks for the great example you have been for America. With the capacity this one state had to contribute to the rest of country, you can only wonder how it was able to fail so miserably. Still, and yet do the people of California realize it, starting to perhaps, but not in general. From the great minds and scholars to the awesome democratic machine that runs the state like a well oiled, er..... a well oiled, OK, so the state is almost broke and a lot businesses and wealthy people are starting to flee. The taxes are starting to go crazy and Jerry Brown was re-elected because he was going to "fix" it all. What is the definition of insanity?
Then there is Hollywood, where you get paid for how attractive you are, or if you ever recorded your self screwing someone and and then posted it on the Internet. Star today gone tomorrow. Where everyone in America is waiting to see you fail and willing to pay to see every minute of it. Where reality doesn't exist even in "reality TV". Hollywood is fake, just like the people of California. The only thing that the people of the state can cling to, is the lie that they are better than everyone else. Your leadership has not only failed you, it has raped you and pimped you out. Your the state's bitch and nothing is gonna change until truth comes calling.
From Texas, oh and please do not come here, we're armed.
The cesspool of progressive/liberalism can be found here in the many stellar, state funded universities. Great places where left wing nut jobs get hired for life, no matter what they say or the ideas that they and a limited (but well funded) minority support. That my friends is elitism at it's core. California is rife with elitism. In my opinion, cash is the cause of the vile place it has become. There are a great many "rags to riches", stories in Cali. Oil and mineral millionaires abound. Unfortunately, Fate does give anyone an IQ test before bestowing it upon you. Cash buys many things, you take an idiot with a lot of cash and it might shock you to see the "credibility", that great wealth can offer. So if cash can buy credibility, then can it not also provide "legitimacy" as well, hence my opinion. Perhaps money really is the root of all evil.
California barely beats out New York for the "Asshole" of American states. At least in California not everyone looks alike. I don't know if it's inbreeding or cold temperatures. The only place you ever see beautiful women are in the city, and they are typically not from New York, go figure. When sweat pants are a "hot" fashion statement for women, something is terribly wrong. Where guys like Bloomberg are the prototype of the model I discussed in the 2nd paragraph. They should not be allowed to breed, much less hold the leadership of any organization larger than "bait cutter" for an offshore fishing trip. In the end, new York is just to small, everybody should visit one time, it's probably as close to Hell as you can get on earth.
California is a large state, that and the amount of beautiful people, are the only reason it triumphs over New York. And ultimately, Hollywood has an edge over San Francisco when it comes to the crown jewel of a "train gone off the tracks". They are the Sodom and Gomorrah of America. You would think that if anyone ever read the Bible in that godless state it would be an epiphany moment. Read Proverbs 6: 16-19 and see how it strikes you. For those of you in California google it as you see spelled here.
California, thanks for the great example you have been for America. With the capacity this one state had to contribute to the rest of country, you can only wonder how it was able to fail so miserably. Still, and yet do the people of California realize it, starting to perhaps, but not in general. From the great minds and scholars to the awesome democratic machine that runs the state like a well oiled, er..... a well oiled, OK, so the state is almost broke and a lot businesses and wealthy people are starting to flee. The taxes are starting to go crazy and Jerry Brown was re-elected because he was going to "fix" it all. What is the definition of insanity?
Then there is Hollywood, where you get paid for how attractive you are, or if you ever recorded your self screwing someone and and then posted it on the Internet. Star today gone tomorrow. Where everyone in America is waiting to see you fail and willing to pay to see every minute of it. Where reality doesn't exist even in "reality TV". Hollywood is fake, just like the people of California. The only thing that the people of the state can cling to, is the lie that they are better than everyone else. Your leadership has not only failed you, it has raped you and pimped you out. Your the state's bitch and nothing is gonna change until truth comes calling.
From Texas, oh and please do not come here, we're armed.
Saturday, January 26, 2013
The Left, Politics of Hate.
Politics have become ever so infantile. Main stream media's rabid perverted "talking heads" have changed the playing field. Where and how this emergence came to be, I can only speculate. I think most of it derived from the considerable failure this administration has been. MM must contrive some excuse to try and maintain any dignity or appearance of importance. Obama has not just been a failure, he as well as congress have been utter failures. The blame Bush mentality that swept him to office is over 4 years old now, even many democrats are tired of hearing it.
It became evident to me there was a problem when during the first two years of the democrat controlled senate, they were unable to put together a budget, much less any other form of progress. I know from personal experience that you get tired of hearing people point out your failures. You know you failed , they know you failed, everyone knows you failed. It can be rough. However, lies and denial are not the way out. Becoming a bully is not the way out. Trying to bypass congress is not the way out. Delaying the inevitable is not the way out, yet time and time again this is what we are given by the left. The win at all costs mentality is destroying America. We are smart enough to understand that no matter how many times you repeat a lie, it still is not the truth.
The democratic/MM pairing was inevitable, at the same time it will never last. It is as doomed to fail as it was to occur. The information age has decimated any validity of MM. The decline of a once powerful and important piece of Americana has given way to witnessing a desperate group of people. As we all know, desperate people do desperate things. Maybe I am overstating. Put a tent over it, because it has become nothing but a circus. You know, everything in life is fairly cyclical. Right now as the GOP is imploding, and rightly so I might ad, the tipping point of the democrat meltdown has yet to occur. I really missed this one by a landslide. I had no idea how far the dumbing down of America had occurred.
The 2012 re-election of the Obarnum and Biden circus taught me a strong lesson. I learned that even if it was a fair election, then the American people who voted for Obama are the most uninformed people our society has ever known (Class warfare hate as I like to call it). I would like to call them stupid, but I will defer, maybe they are just uninformed. Whatever... If on the other hand the election was rigged, well that sucks too. Either way America, we lose. If you can't win legitimately, then lie, cheat, and steal, win at all costs, do whatever it takes. Sad reality. When I have asked liberal friends or acquaintance's to defend Obama, none are able. Usually they call me a sore loser because "we got our ass kicked". Or they get pissed that I had the audacity to even bring up the inconsistencies of this administration. Please people it was an election, not a bar fight. Just own your president. Defend him and his policies, defend the economy , the unemployment numbers, the debt, the gun control issues. You can't do it. It's indefensible, unfortunately none of you will realize it until it's to late.
What scares me the most is that history is known to repeat itself. With the divide that this president has created, a civil war is not out of the question. What will be the straw?
from Texas
It became evident to me there was a problem when during the first two years of the democrat controlled senate, they were unable to put together a budget, much less any other form of progress. I know from personal experience that you get tired of hearing people point out your failures. You know you failed , they know you failed, everyone knows you failed. It can be rough. However, lies and denial are not the way out. Becoming a bully is not the way out. Trying to bypass congress is not the way out. Delaying the inevitable is not the way out, yet time and time again this is what we are given by the left. The win at all costs mentality is destroying America. We are smart enough to understand that no matter how many times you repeat a lie, it still is not the truth.
The democratic/MM pairing was inevitable, at the same time it will never last. It is as doomed to fail as it was to occur. The information age has decimated any validity of MM. The decline of a once powerful and important piece of Americana has given way to witnessing a desperate group of people. As we all know, desperate people do desperate things. Maybe I am overstating. Put a tent over it, because it has become nothing but a circus. You know, everything in life is fairly cyclical. Right now as the GOP is imploding, and rightly so I might ad, the tipping point of the democrat meltdown has yet to occur. I really missed this one by a landslide. I had no idea how far the dumbing down of America had occurred.
The 2012 re-election of the Obarnum and Biden circus taught me a strong lesson. I learned that even if it was a fair election, then the American people who voted for Obama are the most uninformed people our society has ever known (Class warfare hate as I like to call it). I would like to call them stupid, but I will defer, maybe they are just uninformed. Whatever... If on the other hand the election was rigged, well that sucks too. Either way America, we lose. If you can't win legitimately, then lie, cheat, and steal, win at all costs, do whatever it takes. Sad reality. When I have asked liberal friends or acquaintance's to defend Obama, none are able. Usually they call me a sore loser because "we got our ass kicked". Or they get pissed that I had the audacity to even bring up the inconsistencies of this administration. Please people it was an election, not a bar fight. Just own your president. Defend him and his policies, defend the economy , the unemployment numbers, the debt, the gun control issues. You can't do it. It's indefensible, unfortunately none of you will realize it until it's to late.
What scares me the most is that history is known to repeat itself. With the divide that this president has created, a civil war is not out of the question. What will be the straw?
from Texas
Friday, January 25, 2013
Feinstein Has lost her mind!
All of this anti gun legislation is pure bullshit!!! You want some numbers? The average amount of deaths do to firearms, hovers around 100,000 per year, while abortions average 1.2 million every year, this according to UN statistics. You can legally kill 1.2 million babies a year, read that again, you can legally kill 1.2 million BABIES a year. You tell me where our problem is.
You don't have to look far, look at Diane Feinstein, running around getting her face on all the papers and news outlets. Progressives like this women and many others in the democratic party are coming to take away your way of life. There going to keep their guns and take yours, oh yes, the measures she has put forth specifically are going to take your weapons and at the same time, if your a government employee you will be able to keep your weapons.
This woman has based here entire career on feeding the fringe left, it's time for people like this to be acknowledged and defeated. Career politicians MUST go, on either side of the aisle. All have contributed to the situation we now find ourselves in. The constitution states that congress cannot give themselves anything that is not available to the American people. Well, that is overlooked on so many items it is laughable, yet that is what they all swear to do, uphold the constitution.
It's time to make the hard choices people, are you gonna keep your head in the sand until it becomes too late? What will your excuse be then? We need to renew our American values and regain control before we lose the freedoms that remain. Please get involved to day. Write your Representatives, write emails, donate money or time or ideas. There is something that each of us can do to make the changes we need. Please find out what you can do today and get involved in saving America.
You don't have to look far, look at Diane Feinstein, running around getting her face on all the papers and news outlets. Progressives like this women and many others in the democratic party are coming to take away your way of life. There going to keep their guns and take yours, oh yes, the measures she has put forth specifically are going to take your weapons and at the same time, if your a government employee you will be able to keep your weapons.
This woman has based here entire career on feeding the fringe left, it's time for people like this to be acknowledged and defeated. Career politicians MUST go, on either side of the aisle. All have contributed to the situation we now find ourselves in. The constitution states that congress cannot give themselves anything that is not available to the American people. Well, that is overlooked on so many items it is laughable, yet that is what they all swear to do, uphold the constitution.
It's time to make the hard choices people, are you gonna keep your head in the sand until it becomes too late? What will your excuse be then? We need to renew our American values and regain control before we lose the freedoms that remain. Please get involved to day. Write your Representatives, write emails, donate money or time or ideas. There is something that each of us can do to make the changes we need. Please find out what you can do today and get involved in saving America.
anti gun legislation,
Sandy Hook
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
It's Official - White House has gone Ghetto.
Since I could not stomach watching this idiot get sworn in for four more years of lies, deceit, and theft. I had to utilize mainstream media (MM) for my information. Of course they did not fail me with their stellar news reporting. Biggest topics, the wig worn by the FLOTUS and her rolling her eyes at the speaker of the house. The wig and the actions of the FLOTUS verified what many long suspected, the White House has gone ghetto. They look ghetto, they dress ghetto, they act ghetto, voila, they must be ghetto. After all if it looks like a duck.....
This 1st family is a humiliating shame on America. This is the result of liberal money and media gone amuck. We Americans have proven to the world that with proper marketing and packaging we WILL buy "horse shit" for top dollar. This became more than evident with the uninformed vote of the the left, if it were not so sad for America and our future, I would be laughing my ass off.
This last election for the democrats was about "not losing", plain and simple. It was not about what is good for America, because either all of you on the left are as stupid as you appear or you do not care about America, our country, and that is what makes me nervous. This vision of progress is the destruction of America and the values we have. Attacking the constitution, increasing the debt, not passing a budget in four years, a health care program that was rejected by the majority, and then slammed down our throats.
Democrats/Lefties/Liberals, what have you done? Do you even have an idea? How do you defend this POS you have re-elected to the highest office in our country? Who are you going to blame as all of his failed policies blow up in your face. Do you think you can keep the lid on that joke of a Vice President for four more years? Tell me something, why did job creation, fail to get mentioned in his speech. Why is that? What about the economy? What about Benghazi? What about North Korea? Not all of us are as stupid as the ones that re-elected this guy. All you want to do is talk about gun control, because as long as you can keep Sandy Hook and dead children fresh in our memories, you don't have to deal with the ugly truths mentioned above.
It all goes back to something I was taught in a computer programming class, "garbage in, garbage out". That is the only way I know to explain this administration. We put garbage in office so can we really expect to get anything other than garbage out? Duh!
There are many things to fear ahead, a race war, maybe, a class war... maybe, a civil war over political ideology, most likely, and the pots beginning to boil. Either way America is headed for big changes. For the time being it looks like we will just have to deal with two types of class, those with, and those without. Yes, America is only going to have two classes, the rich elite and the ghetto, and as usual, the check is in the mail.
This 1st family is a humiliating shame on America. This is the result of liberal money and media gone amuck. We Americans have proven to the world that with proper marketing and packaging we WILL buy "horse shit" for top dollar. This became more than evident with the uninformed vote of the the left, if it were not so sad for America and our future, I would be laughing my ass off.
This last election for the democrats was about "not losing", plain and simple. It was not about what is good for America, because either all of you on the left are as stupid as you appear or you do not care about America, our country, and that is what makes me nervous. This vision of progress is the destruction of America and the values we have. Attacking the constitution, increasing the debt, not passing a budget in four years, a health care program that was rejected by the majority, and then slammed down our throats.
Democrats/Lefties/Liberals, what have you done? Do you even have an idea? How do you defend this POS you have re-elected to the highest office in our country? Who are you going to blame as all of his failed policies blow up in your face. Do you think you can keep the lid on that joke of a Vice President for four more years? Tell me something, why did job creation, fail to get mentioned in his speech. Why is that? What about the economy? What about Benghazi? What about North Korea? Not all of us are as stupid as the ones that re-elected this guy. All you want to do is talk about gun control, because as long as you can keep Sandy Hook and dead children fresh in our memories, you don't have to deal with the ugly truths mentioned above.
It all goes back to something I was taught in a computer programming class, "garbage in, garbage out". That is the only way I know to explain this administration. We put garbage in office so can we really expect to get anything other than garbage out? Duh!
There are many things to fear ahead, a race war, maybe, a class war... maybe, a civil war over political ideology, most likely, and the pots beginning to boil. Either way America is headed for big changes. For the time being it looks like we will just have to deal with two types of class, those with, and those without. Yes, America is only going to have two classes, the rich elite and the ghetto, and as usual, the check is in the mail.
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