Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Just Vote November

After reading all of the fair and balanced media reports, including FOX, it seems like Romney might win the GOP nomination.  Well conserves, we get what we deserve.  This is exactly why I became an independent.  There is still way to much baggage left over  in the old school GOP party.  The GOP is stale and will eventually become insignificant if there is no new blood pumped into it.  The Dems/left/progs have the younger generations and that is bad news for the GOP.   

What is the good news?  Maybe it's time for a third party to really have a chance.  Could be one of those out there right now, the Green Party, the Tea Party, who knows.  However if Obama wins the 2012 election, and he is very confident, I think the door will be wide open.  So while we could possibly have a painfull short term, with an Obama win, it could be the start of something much better for America, and that is a new Party. 

History tells us that the conservative base will expand again as the youth of America get bitch slapped with the reality of home life and paying bills.  That transition period of idealism to realism, as careers and children are born.  The left will expand, as P.T. Barnum once said,"there is a sucker born every minute".  Only the innocence of youth is an excuse for being a dem today.  The smart ones figure it out in time.  The repubs are the isolationist party in the sense that it is more of the country club atmosphere, and like a country club, all the "ism's" are present.  There is no perfect party and there never will be.  You must choose how you align yourself politically, based on your own ideals and beliefs.  Some call me a "fence sitter", which I laugh at, I call myself an independent thinker.  If any party dictates to you, how to live your life, what is best for you, much less who to vote for, friend you are in the wrong party.

I am not so sure that if one lives long enough you can not go a complete circle politically.  As we all know, views change with time for most people.  I call myself conservative today because those are my core values, God and family.  I also support liberalism because I can think out side of the box and some great ideas come from the left.  

Here are my hopes.  We as a nation need to weed out ALL of the idiots that are lifetime politicians.  We need people like Bobby Jindal of Louisiana to become our national leaders.  People that are REALLY there for the best of their neighbors.  People who are committed to doing the right thing foreveryone, not only themselves.  If you, like myself, find yourself dissatisfied with the current state of political affairs, you can make a difference.  People ready to do a little more than stick a toe in to test the waters, can change the world, but you must go all in to do so.  So please, whatever you do and whatever your beliefs, just vote.. in November.   

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