Friday, September 21, 2012

Pawlenty of Shame!!!

Tim Pawlenty just bitch slapped all of us, especially the Republican party.  He tossed his credibility out the window. The former Minnesota Governor, and as of today, ex-chair of Romney's election campaign, took a job as CEO of "Financial Services Roundtable".  What does that mean and why does it piss me off? Well let me tell you.  This guy was a Republican presidential candidate. This guy, claimed to represent the blue collar "Sam's Club voter", the working class.  This guy, he spoke on all the evils of politics while pointing his finger at the Democrats.  This guy, he jumped ship from the Romney campaign during the final two months of this election. Why?  To take his new 1.8 million a year job.  In financial services...BANKING of all things....  Hello!!!!  No Honor, No ethics, great for him and his family, not so much anyone else or the ideals he spoke of.  What would have happened if we elected him President?  If he has no honor at this level, there would have been none at the next.

This is another reason we need to hold ALL politicians accountable.  The more I think about it the better a single term sounds.  We need to cut their pay and benefits.  This has gotten so far out of hand that it is going to take drastic measures to repair.   They work for us, they hold our check book.  Are you happy with the job your elected officials are doing?  Pawlenty got this job because the good people of Minnesota elected him to that office.  In that position, great offers come along that otherwise would not.  A president of a software company and a labor attorney from Eagan, Minnesota, would never end up on K Street in Washington D.C.

I am an Independent Conservative, and this kind of Bullshit is exactly what is wrong with politics.  You take Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi, you know they are going to screw you because nothing they say ever makes sense.  I can live with that.  You take a guy like Pawlenty, this guy is a bigger pile of shit than Reid and Pelosi put together, throw in Barney Frank and it might be close.  When you profess you idealism and beliefs on a public forum, then a few months later you trample the very words you spoke, there is an inherent problem with that.  Beware of Karma Pawlenty, I for one hope it bites you square in the ASS.  I bet all of your political cronies would like to kick your lying ass.  Just wanted to say "thanks" for the black eye you gave to us conservatives as well.  Good luck with the Karma thing too!



Please get informed and make a decision as to how we run our country, and to whom and how we hold them  accountable.

From Texas.

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