Monday, October 11, 2010

Now Is the Time People!!!!!

Since no one reads this blog, I guess it's ok for me to make some changes in the way I've been writing. I've decided to be a bit more "civil" in publishing my thoughts. I do however reserve the right to revert to my old style if the situation were to warrant it.

If you are asking yourself why? Let me elaborate for a moment. By standing on my soap box, it has helped my mental state by being able to vent my frustrations with the current administration. In retrospect, I only wish that I had not stooped to the level of most liberals, dems and progressives. I actually thought of myself as having some liberal leanings. I still do to some aspect, not that it is worth mentioning here. What I eventually decided, is that in my viewpoint, the three mentioned above really do not have a platform other than to steer America toward communism/socialism. An idea that has failed at every opportunity. Furthermore, with the rise of the Tea Party, I have been relieved to witness the number of Americans that have basically the same philosophy that I have.

With the looming election, I hope to see what "riled up" Americans can do. To take back or government. I hope that people in the conservative base will show the rest of America that Washington has to change. That "we the people" are going to make some major changes. Starting with accountability. I hope that this great nation, teetering on the brink, is capable of having the foundation restored and that the world is witness to the Phoenix rising again. That we will not stand by and watch as our constitution is desecrated by the left.

We took our collective eye off the ball, and with the current leadership, we are all paying the high price of a very mismanaged government. Obama, Biden, Pelosi and Reid. I hope and I pray that these misguided, and unqualified politicians go down in history as the "Black eye" that America served itself. That in time they all become labeled as complete and total failures, in there leadership, in their policy, in their promises and in their actions. They fed off the public trough at our discretion and they shall be removed at our discretion. America will recover from this horrific mess and it willl take some time. We didn't get here over night and we will not heal ourself over night. Come Novemeber 2010, the true winds of change will rise and Americans will be able to look back on this travesty as one well learned and expensive lesson. Politicians must be kept on the leash of the American people.

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