Friday, June 17, 2011

This is gettin old, GLAAD needs to go away!

What the Hell did I say? Let me start off by saying this. My brother Rik died at the age of 32 from AIDS. He was a homosexual, he was NOT in the closet. He was a good guy and I loved him very, very much. Having said that, I also know that my brother would have told GLAAD to kiss his gay ass when it comes to the weak bullshit this organization gets itself mixed up in. So...., AGAIN, this is NOT an attack on homosexuals, but my thoughts on actions I have seen or read about from one gay organization, GLAAD.

Recently in San Francisco in a Gay softball league, a court allowed the league to place a restriction on how many "straight" people could play for a team. Yep, go back and reread that little sentence. GOOGLE it or as I like to say "whatever"! Can you imagine if us "evil" heterosexuals tried to place any limitations like that, not gonna happen. Now tell me this, are these the organizations that have mission statements that read all about creating FAIR and EQUAL opportunities for the members they represent? WTF, then they turn around and use the same tactics without batting an eye. I'm sorry, but again I have to say political correctness aside, you need a bitch slap in my humble opinion.

Just read this a.m. about two Lesbians at a MLB game. They filed suit against the stadium because a stadium employee quoted a bible verse to them while they were er.. kissing. The women stated it was just a brief kiss while many witnesses stated otherwise, more like heavy petting, and the term disgust was mentioned several times.

Ok, so why am I "gay bashing"? I'm not you dumb ass! The fact is I do not care what your sexual tastes are, what your level of kink is or what else you do behind closed doors. Bring it out in the open and I will be the first one to have a vocal/written comment about my thoughts on it. The fact is, it disgusts me to see the antics of most public displays of affection. Get a friggin room. So please gay people, FNNNN grow up! Quit your crying, your starting to sound like Leonard Pitts and his quest to stop slavery in the U.S., oops hey Leonard, that battle has been over a long time. I have an idea, Mr. Pitts can pick up the flag of GLAAD and continue his anti white American banter for the liberation of the those persecuted GLAAD members.

You know, I think there are alot more people that have thoughts similar to mine, than not. I think the only way to keep the turds of America where they belong, is to actually acknowledge and vigorusly FLUSH the friggin toilet!

Just to change topics, I recently bought the Kindle 3rd generation with wifi and 3G. I am very pleased with it. I went online and purchased Chelsea Handlers recent book "My Horizontal Life". My confession is this. I have had a raving mad sexual attraction for Ms. Handler for quite sometime. Then I read the book. It was like reading the female version of my life, not so much as in the circumstances she was involved in, but in the sheer absurdity of how we chose to live. At any rate it was a funny and sexy book, after reading it I needed a shower. Thanks Chelsea it was fun.

Lastly and I will leave you with this, also today I read that San Fransico is about to ban the ownership of goldfish. Now get this, the idea is that by banning ownership, they will be able to stop the long suffering of these poor little fish. OMG!!!! Hey, Nancy Pelosi is probably behind all of this. Stepping off............
From Texas

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

America is full of idiots!

Hello hello hello, jeez what set me off this a.m.? Oh yeah, it was that cockamamie BS story I read on Yahoo Health. People, look around, do you REALLY understand the number of dumb asses that are occupying space and breathing air when they have absolutely nothing to offer anyone? Ok, ok, ok Ron. Calm down...... Yeah, WHATEVER!!!
Yahoo Health, what a friggin joke. Some writer, a MS. Cool, yes I am serious. Well she wrote about cancerous hazards that might "just surprise us". Yep I was surprised. Two cups of coffee a day is likely going to give you the big "C" and KILL YOU DEAD!!!!!!!!
Then I read her source, and here is the 1st sentence of the abstract she used to derive at this piece of idiocy.
"Epistemological studies have evaluated the potential association between coffee consumption and lung cancer risk. However, results were inconsistent". Oh and there is more, all of the scientists where Chinese and this came from some institute in Shanghai China. WTF??
I am praying for this worlds population, but I wonder if the worlds sign of intelligent life is starting to dim? Have a great day and think about it. One person CAN make a difference, two people can change the world!
From Texas.