Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Just Vote November

After reading all of the fair and balanced media reports, including FOX, it seems like Romney might win the GOP nomination.  Well conserves, we get what we deserve.  This is exactly why I became an independent.  There is still way to much baggage left over  in the old school GOP party.  The GOP is stale and will eventually become insignificant if there is no new blood pumped into it.  The Dems/left/progs have the younger generations and that is bad news for the GOP.   

What is the good news?  Maybe it's time for a third party to really have a chance.  Could be one of those out there right now, the Green Party, the Tea Party, who knows.  However if Obama wins the 2012 election, and he is very confident, I think the door will be wide open.  So while we could possibly have a painfull short term, with an Obama win, it could be the start of something much better for America, and that is a new Party. 

History tells us that the conservative base will expand again as the youth of America get bitch slapped with the reality of home life and paying bills.  That transition period of idealism to realism, as careers and children are born.  The left will expand, as P.T. Barnum once said,"there is a sucker born every minute".  Only the innocence of youth is an excuse for being a dem today.  The smart ones figure it out in time.  The repubs are the isolationist party in the sense that it is more of the country club atmosphere, and like a country club, all the "ism's" are present.  There is no perfect party and there never will be.  You must choose how you align yourself politically, based on your own ideals and beliefs.  Some call me a "fence sitter", which I laugh at, I call myself an independent thinker.  If any party dictates to you, how to live your life, what is best for you, much less who to vote for, friend you are in the wrong party.

I am not so sure that if one lives long enough you can not go a complete circle politically.  As we all know, views change with time for most people.  I call myself conservative today because those are my core values, God and family.  I also support liberalism because I can think out side of the box and some great ideas come from the left.  

Here are my hopes.  We as a nation need to weed out ALL of the idiots that are lifetime politicians.  We need people like Bobby Jindal of Louisiana to become our national leaders.  People that are REALLY there for the best of their neighbors.  People who are committed to doing the right thing foreveryone, not only themselves.  If you, like myself, find yourself dissatisfied with the current state of political affairs, you can make a difference.  People ready to do a little more than stick a toe in to test the waters, can change the world, but you must go all in to do so.  So please, whatever you do and whatever your beliefs, just vote.. in November.   

Sunday, February 26, 2012

5 more years, say what? Todays Bottom 10!

10.   Obama, just because.
09.   Mitt Romney, please go away, Teflon daddy.
08.   Newt Gingrich, more wives than Muhammad.
07.   Bill Mahr, the next Keith Olbermann, and his million for Obozo.
06.   Afghanistan and Karzai for killing Americans for the Burning of the Koran.
05.   Iran, for all the evil that it practices.
04.   Hillary Clinton because she truly has become totally clueless.
03.   Mick Jagger for performing at the Whitehouse and saying it was "just another gig".
02.   Roger Goodell, for the salary he collects from the NFL.
01.   George Soros, because where would we be with out him?

Why, right?

01.  George Soros, this ancient bitter man, he is a believer of the chaos theory. He understands that if you can create hostilities internally and externally, it will all eventually break apart. You just have to have the money and the time to make it all happen. Soros has the money, but, I'm bettin he don't have the time.

02. NFL commissioner Roger Goodell earns money like he was the Superbowl MVP. Hey all of you
ex NFLers with concussion issues, think of the treatment you could get with just half of his salary.

03. Jagger is a self absorbed musician, which is fine in my book. However, the Whitehouse event was
not just another gig, unless he said it because Obama is president, then I would agree with him.

04. Hillary Clinton, her biggest change is behind her. Her ass! She needs to stay away from the state

dinner s and try a little exercise. Maybe she stays on the road to stay away from Bill. I'm betting
there is no love lost here.

05. Iran is the best illustration possible to verify the No. 6. They point the finger at everyone else

while they lie to your face. I predict rubble before resurrection.

06. You know what, while the haters of America want apologies for the accidental burning of the Korans

in Afghanistan, and the rage continues to grow. Where is the friggin anger for the two Americans
murdered by a coward Islamist. This purportedly "peaceful" religion only breeds hate, intolerance and
and complete ignorance.

07. Mahr, speaking of looking like a goober, this guy looks like he lost every fight he was ever in. Which

I also suspect is probably the truth, so I can understand his anger issues. Besides I fail to see the
humor in his comedy. He stands for everything I oppose. Obozo loves his money.

08. Newt, he should have kept it in his pants, proof that "powerful" men can look like an overweight

goober and still have the sex life of a pornstar.

09. Mitt either wears a hair piece or uses some old school hair spray that keeps his hair looking like a

helmet. He also, like Obama, can "spin" everything right off his back. The whole time he is taking
it to the bank.  Do as I say, not as I do.  Think he knows what is best for you?

10. Obama during an interview with Univision, stated that he had 5 more years in office. No, you will not see it in the "national media",  because Obama is their boy.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Racism and politics, the recipe of Hate!

Hi, good morning!  I know that just reading the title alone sounds creepy, it might even send a chill up your spine.  I'm betting that as you read it, you thought back to the most alarming personal experience you have ever had with racism.   It was the "H" word that triggered that response, especially with the words that accompanied it. I would hope that after reading this opinion, each of you would take a moment and turn it over in your head.  How do you deal with it, what are you doing about it.  Racism is alive and well and I am afraid it is gaining momentum.   

I admit, I have used racial slurs.  I honestly think that most of us have, I would go as far to say, I think racism is in each of us to some extent.  We have been conditioned all of our lives by our families, our friends, schools and our environment.  Think of the media, the arts, government and yes, even our places of worship.  In each of these examples, how have they impacted racial issues?  How many positive programs have they provided and finally, how many were successful?  I realize it is a highly complicated issue and that the variables are unending.  The absolute most horrific aspect of racism, is that is a learned trait.  Have you ever thought about that?  How many of us has stood over our children as they have slept, and while gazing upon their innocent forms, wished evil upon them?

The other day I decided to go back and read all of my postings.  Yeah, I live an exciting life!  But really, I discovered that my writing, though quite often it may suck, my opinion does come across illustrated.  To some, I am racist myself.  To them, I would say that would not be an an unfair criticism.  However if actions speak louder than words, then judge me by my actions.

The truth of the matter is that racism is the pink elephant in the room.  Based on observation, for the most part, people want to be around others like themselves.  Is that a fair statement?  Sure there are always the exceptions, but think about it.  Start with color if you want, then income levels as another and so on.  In my opinion income is the largest deciding factor, everything else is just trickle down.

In real life we all have to deal with it in some shape or form, I think my issue is trying to keep fair standards across the board, and yes I feel like Sisyphus.  Am I realistic?  Maybe not.  But I will tell you this, I do not harbor any "white guilt".  Slavery was terrible, is terrible.  Many people died in the Civil war to help bring an end to it, Abraham Lincoln abolished it with the Emancipation Proclamation  on January 1st, 1863.  That is when the work began.  Was it fair?  Hell no, but life isn't fair!  In my opinion it does not give the black race an endless freedom to use it as an excuse.  That is what it has become.  Think about the term "race card' and how it is used.  Think about non blacks, and how all are held to a higher standard when it comes to "racist speak".  In order to move forward, you must let go of the past. 

How do you defend your self against being a racist and racism itself?  It is difficult to do so with out coming off as being the very thing you are arguing against.             

This was found on Yahoo, and is attributed to "The Blaze - Saturday February 11, 2012".

"Jackson previously made political headlines in October, when he agreed with fellow actor Morgan Freeman's assessment that the Tea Party was "racist."

“It’s pretty obvious what they are,” Jackson said in an interview with New York Magazine. “The division of the country is not about the government having too much power. I think everything right now is geared toward getting that guy out of office, whatever that means.”

Jackson continued, “It’s not politics. It is not economics. It all boils down to pretty much to race. It is a shame.”

Politics and racism feed off each other, voices are raised and fingers are pointed.

The shame is, there is NO such thing as equal accountability.  As I have stated before, one person can make a difference, but two can change the world.  Care to join me?

From Texas,

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Keeping it real... Obozo / Baghdad Bob, the spin Bros.

I had a revelation this morning, and Obozo was at the top of the list.  I don't know about you, but I  was unable to watch the entire state of the union campaign speech.  If after the past three years, you feel our president has done ONE good thing for America.  Your reading the wrong blog.  He has flip flopped and failed in almost every aspect.  He has pushed his agenda against the majority, bashed the constitution, lied about taxation and pushed us so far into debt, that generations to come will be impacted.  Now he's reversed his opinion on super PAC's, why?  M-O-N-E-Y!!!

Obozo is our American version of Baghdad Bob.  Do you remember that idiot giving us daily reports of how the Iraqi's were kicking the sh!t out of American forces?  All the while the Iraqi military was being annihilated.   Now, Bob is living safely in the United Arab Emirates, off the map, out of sight and completely irrelevant.  Personally I felt sorry for him, on the other hand I figured it was a matter of time before a bomb, got the best of Bob.

Turns out, Obama will be irrelevant in January 2013.  While ol' Barry runs around taking bows for the economy gaining a little steam and the unemployment rate dropping.  Please don't jump to any conclusions.  People, it is an election year!  Americans are ready to put Obozo OUT ON HIS ASS!  What we are experiencing is consumer confidence, everyone is feeling good because real change is about to occur.  Anything "good" right now is due to the fact that people feel BO is on the way out!

Keep this in mind.  Obozo is still blaming the previous administration for his administrations failings, he did so during the state of the union campaign speech, remember? Now, as the left tries to steer the vote for their GOP candidate, ie... Romney, don't fall for the BS.  For the next nine months, all we will see and hear, will be photo ops and spin on how well BO has been for America.  Numbers will be manipulated and used out of context, much like the facts of his administration's "success stories".  Spin, spin, spin.

So, it's sad that the only GOP candidate NOT smeared by the left, is Romney.  That should tell you something if your paying attention.  I promise you that we will see new revelations about republican candidates.  For them, more accusations and skeletons will emerge, anything to keep the light off BO.  As we know, without a teleprompter, he has foot in mouth disease.  Since this is an election year and the media will be in mass, we might even witness a few "oops" moments for the BO campaign.  You know how he gets when that cockiness comes out and he leaves the reservation.  We've seen him for the idiot he is, and I for one understand why we cannot find any paper trail of his education or his birth place.

BO has bought into his own spin, just like Baghdad Bob.  The reality of election night 2012 will be like a cold slap in the face, the false facade of popularity will crumble and the rats will scramble for the shadows.  BO and MO will have pulled a fast one on America, and will slip off to the elitist life style they always rejected in public.  The fortune he stole from the American people will be of some comfort, and I'm thinking his "speech and business leader" career will not quite pan out.  I guess with out an honorable reputation, a life of irrelevance and a legacy of false hope and failings is all you have left.

Thanks for the black eye on America Barry, no pun intended.

From Texas


Friday, February 3, 2012

Thaddeus Matthews, outspoken or racist?

Wow!  I was surfing the net this a.m. and came across a news article on FOXNEWS.  If you have never heard of radio station WPLX - AM, out of Memphis, then google it!  Thaddeus Matthews, the DJ and  owner has garnered quite a bit of attention after twisting off on Charlotte Bergmann.   Ms. Bergmann, who is black and a Republican congressional candidate, was being interviewed by Mr. Matthews on WPLX.    You can read it here,
Let me tell you what I did.  I called the radio station.  A voice answered and I asked whom I was speaking with.  I was asked who I would like to speak with and I answered, the station manager.  The voice said "your speaking to the station manager", I said great, I have a comment on Mr. Matthews recent interview with Ms. Bergmann.  Well, at this point it went south.  I was told that I was speaking with Mr. Matthews and that he had no further comment.  So I asked him if it was because I was white?  Did I bait him?  Maybe, but it was not my intention.  He told me "no" not because I was white, but because I was a "Motherfucking Ass".  My response was "Thanks, love ya brother", at which time he hung up on me.  Yes, I have been called that before or something very close anyway.  My point is, I was trying to get another angle on the story.  I was interested in "his side" of the story.  Needless to say, that did not happen. 

So what was it?  Racism or being outspoken?  It seems to me that our war on racism is going nowhere.  We can point blame in every direction, and we're all to blame.  I certainly do not have the answer, but I know there is a problem.  My one request would be for all of us to be held to the same accountability, and rules.  No, I'm not going to go into the "what if" questions and comparisons.  That has grown old and tired.    

I read somewhere that "white guilt" is dying, and I do believe it to be true.  The blame for this I lay squarely on individuals like Mr. Matthews.  When you have double standards, you perpetuate racism on all sides.  For the record, Mr. Matthews did make an "on air" apology of sorts for using white racial slurs, but at the same time standing firm on his use of black racial slurs toward Ms. Bergmann.  In the end, Mr. Matthews will take the heat for awhile.  I expect someone will come to his defense as well.  Imagine how many phone calls like mine he will receive and how that will only infuriate him more.  I guess only his sponsor's will have the option of supporting this type of discourse or decide against it.  Keep in mind that this the media after all.

From Texas