Sunday, February 26, 2012

5 more years, say what? Todays Bottom 10!

10.   Obama, just because.
09.   Mitt Romney, please go away, Teflon daddy.
08.   Newt Gingrich, more wives than Muhammad.
07.   Bill Mahr, the next Keith Olbermann, and his million for Obozo.
06.   Afghanistan and Karzai for killing Americans for the Burning of the Koran.
05.   Iran, for all the evil that it practices.
04.   Hillary Clinton because she truly has become totally clueless.
03.   Mick Jagger for performing at the Whitehouse and saying it was "just another gig".
02.   Roger Goodell, for the salary he collects from the NFL.
01.   George Soros, because where would we be with out him?

Why, right?

01.  George Soros, this ancient bitter man, he is a believer of the chaos theory. He understands that if you can create hostilities internally and externally, it will all eventually break apart. You just have to have the money and the time to make it all happen. Soros has the money, but, I'm bettin he don't have the time.

02. NFL commissioner Roger Goodell earns money like he was the Superbowl MVP. Hey all of you
ex NFLers with concussion issues, think of the treatment you could get with just half of his salary.

03. Jagger is a self absorbed musician, which is fine in my book. However, the Whitehouse event was
not just another gig, unless he said it because Obama is president, then I would agree with him.

04. Hillary Clinton, her biggest change is behind her. Her ass! She needs to stay away from the state

dinner s and try a little exercise. Maybe she stays on the road to stay away from Bill. I'm betting
there is no love lost here.

05. Iran is the best illustration possible to verify the No. 6. They point the finger at everyone else

while they lie to your face. I predict rubble before resurrection.

06. You know what, while the haters of America want apologies for the accidental burning of the Korans

in Afghanistan, and the rage continues to grow. Where is the friggin anger for the two Americans
murdered by a coward Islamist. This purportedly "peaceful" religion only breeds hate, intolerance and
and complete ignorance.

07. Mahr, speaking of looking like a goober, this guy looks like he lost every fight he was ever in. Which

I also suspect is probably the truth, so I can understand his anger issues. Besides I fail to see the
humor in his comedy. He stands for everything I oppose. Obozo loves his money.

08. Newt, he should have kept it in his pants, proof that "powerful" men can look like an overweight

goober and still have the sex life of a pornstar.

09. Mitt either wears a hair piece or uses some old school hair spray that keeps his hair looking like a

helmet. He also, like Obama, can "spin" everything right off his back. The whole time he is taking
it to the bank.  Do as I say, not as I do.  Think he knows what is best for you?

10. Obama during an interview with Univision, stated that he had 5 more years in office. No, you will not see it in the "national media",  because Obama is their boy.

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