Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Keeping it real... Obozo / Baghdad Bob, the spin Bros.

I had a revelation this morning, and Obozo was at the top of the list.  I don't know about you, but I  was unable to watch the entire state of the union campaign speech.  If after the past three years, you feel our president has done ONE good thing for America.  Your reading the wrong blog.  He has flip flopped and failed in almost every aspect.  He has pushed his agenda against the majority, bashed the constitution, lied about taxation and pushed us so far into debt, that generations to come will be impacted.  Now he's reversed his opinion on super PAC's, why?  M-O-N-E-Y!!!

Obozo is our American version of Baghdad Bob.  Do you remember that idiot giving us daily reports of how the Iraqi's were kicking the sh!t out of American forces?  All the while the Iraqi military was being annihilated.   Now, Bob is living safely in the United Arab Emirates, off the map, out of sight and completely irrelevant.  Personally I felt sorry for him, on the other hand I figured it was a matter of time before a bomb, got the best of Bob.

Turns out, Obama will be irrelevant in January 2013.  While ol' Barry runs around taking bows for the economy gaining a little steam and the unemployment rate dropping.  Please don't jump to any conclusions.  People, it is an election year!  Americans are ready to put Obozo OUT ON HIS ASS!  What we are experiencing is consumer confidence, everyone is feeling good because real change is about to occur.  Anything "good" right now is due to the fact that people feel BO is on the way out!

Keep this in mind.  Obozo is still blaming the previous administration for his administrations failings, he did so during the state of the union campaign speech, remember? Now, as the left tries to steer the vote for their GOP candidate, ie... Romney, don't fall for the BS.  For the next nine months, all we will see and hear, will be photo ops and spin on how well BO has been for America.  Numbers will be manipulated and used out of context, much like the facts of his administration's "success stories".  Spin, spin, spin.

So, it's sad that the only GOP candidate NOT smeared by the left, is Romney.  That should tell you something if your paying attention.  I promise you that we will see new revelations about republican candidates.  For them, more accusations and skeletons will emerge, anything to keep the light off BO.  As we know, without a teleprompter, he has foot in mouth disease.  Since this is an election year and the media will be in mass, we might even witness a few "oops" moments for the BO campaign.  You know how he gets when that cockiness comes out and he leaves the reservation.  We've seen him for the idiot he is, and I for one understand why we cannot find any paper trail of his education or his birth place.

BO has bought into his own spin, just like Baghdad Bob.  The reality of election night 2012 will be like a cold slap in the face, the false facade of popularity will crumble and the rats will scramble for the shadows.  BO and MO will have pulled a fast one on America, and will slip off to the elitist life style they always rejected in public.  The fortune he stole from the American people will be of some comfort, and I'm thinking his "speech and business leader" career will not quite pan out.  I guess with out an honorable reputation, a life of irrelevance and a legacy of false hope and failings is all you have left.

Thanks for the black eye on America Barry, no pun intended.

From Texas


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