Sunday, January 16, 2011

"When the Levee breaks" - an opinion.

I need to confess that watching "When the Levee Breaks", an HBO documentary by Spike Lee, provoked me into this blog. Katrina was an American disaster, the amount of loss overwhelming. A tragedy that continues.
Spike Lee, I have enjoyed most of his movies even though I would say that he is a blatent racist. I can over look that, I can overlook the hatred that much of Black America has for White America and vice versa. The same for the other races, that's just how it is. I would love to live in a world where racism was nonexistant. Unfortunately, I doubt that I will witness it in my life time. I absolutely disagree that Katrina and New Orleans was about race. Death knew no color boundary.
Did President Bush fail with Katrina? Absolutely! Did FEMA fail in New Orleans? Absolutely! Did Govenor Blanco and Mayor Nagin fail in New Orleans? Absolutely. Bush failed because his chain of command failed and he was the Commander in Chief. FEMA failed because of it's leadership and lack of responsiveness, Michael Chertoff and Mike Brown both failed in their roles. The New Orleans Police department failed it's citizens.
My point is, you can put the blame in any direction and be accurate, even to the citizens who were stuck in this hell. I'm not here to settle the score or assign blame percentages to anyone, I just want to point out the fact, that the race issue is a lame one. The only reason we're hearing it is because the largest population segment in New Orleans is black.
People, you can find good in most anyone, if you only take the time to look. There were many people from all walks of life or Non-Black that were in the first responder group, you hear little mention of this. This should be a great lesson to America's future leaders, from the Preident all the way down to city mayors. If you have the good fortune to have some warning of an impending national disaster, you should be ready to IMPLEMENT your plan, not decide on a course of action, because by then it's to late.
I think all Americans should watch this video, not because of it's quality or it's political and racial overtones, but because it happened in America to Americans, just like 911 and it is not if it happens again, but when. If you really want a demographic slogan, it should be "We're Americans, our Neighbors are Americans and we're here for Americans!". This video brought tears of sadness to me, as I am sure it would most people who watch it. It is a true horror story and I am greatly saddened by the Racial undertones more than anything. It saddens me when people of position, use that power to direct their own fears on the greater population and stir the embers of racial hatred that should have and could have, been put out long long ago.

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