Wednesday, December 5, 2012

I'm lucky in a way, my friends all put up with me, in spite of my "opinions".   While I consider myself to be a conservative, I have friends that are not.  That being said, I get to hear their reasoning or arguments for what they believe.  When from time to time I have actually closed my mouth and listened, I think I hear we all have the same hopes and dreams.  The difference comes, in how we "get there".

I don't have the time, or the inclination really, to do a breakdown on all the "finger pointing" going on.  We can suffice it to say that while there is NO clear answer to America's core problems.  There is a starting point.  Leadership. The elected officials have been slapping a band-aid on issues requiring surgery.  Our countries problems have been building for years, they didn't arrive overnight and we're not going to rid them overnight either.  What we have to do is "peel it back".

Yes, this will cause more problems.  What America is founded on, is in the preamble of the Constitution.

"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America".

The problem we have, is many Americans are ready to toss out the constitution.  You hear all kinds of things about how the constitution is outdated, ok, what about the preamble?  I might be going out on a limb here, but it seems to me, this is exactly what everyone says they want.  Do I have any argument?  Nowhere will you find the word "guarantee" in the preamble.  There are no guarantees!  What we must decide as a country, is are we going to stick with what has been working for over two hundred years, and made America the greatest country on earth, or are we going continue to move away from the rules that allowed for it.

The "moving away", has caused the issues we now face.  Evil is alive and well, power, greed and corruption are crippling us.  It can be found on both sides of the aisle and in every race and religion in America and damn near every other facet as well. We must each decide where we stand.  

The constitution and the bill of rights, are the foundation of America.  It should not change.  Accountability from our leadership is where we need to start. Right now Big business and Big government are holding us hostage, because absolute power, corrupts absolutely.  And it has indeed!  If you are a democrat, republican or some other party or an independent you need to get involved.  You have to be involved.  It's going to take a grassroots level movement to fundamentally "fix" America.  Some already exist but should not be limited to only a handful.  Many people didn't think that they could be cohesive enough to do anything, and then you look back on election of 2010.  They were wrong.

In a democracy, it's majority rule.  We the people, are the majority. Now we need to put it in action.
Obama, must understand that we are ready for real change and that the rules are changing.

From Texas


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