Sunday, November 27, 2016

2 year hiatus and boy, have things changed!

Whew, can't believe it's been two years, .... yes I can.  The political scene in the U.S.,  taken from a small, liberal arts college, theatre department. Comedy and Drama with bit part actors, whom have yet to graduate.  I digress.  If your reading this, lol, I know right?  I do this for therapy, besides I don't worry about followers, this drivel pays no bills..

My rantings from a few years back, how dare I say it, have rang true, most of the players are still in their roles with a few significant changes.  The biggest, of course, the election of Donald Trump.  This knocked the hell out of the left/liberal/democrat.  Today is November 27th, 2016 and they are still throwing a hissy fit, marching in the streets, protesting and demonstrating.  Truth be told most of them that held voter registration, failed to exercise their right, and the remainder were not even registered, how does that make sense unless they are being paid, hmmm.  Why and by whom?
Who has the most to lose?
Meanwhile, Obama is hating life, Hillary is in a state of denial, and the democratic leadership is floundering.  Oh happy days!  As I sit here typing, HRC has joined forces with the Green Party candidate for a recount.  And after watching the post election bitch fights for the last 8 years, I am resolve in the fact, Trump will be sworn in on January 20, 2017.
There are so many people I would love to have alone in a room for a few minutes.  There are so many eating their words, and there is so much anger.  I have friends and yes, family that are democrats.  It has been a bitter time.  You can choose your friends, but you can't choose your family. 
I am sure there are people on the left, that feel as though all conservatives are red neck, uneducated dumb asses.  That is fine with me, most of us I know, realize that water is wet.  You can't say that for any of those on the Left.  Zero common sense, if they are college educated, and dumb as a box of rocks if not.  Look at their leadership.  Obama, Pelosi, Harry Reid and Elizabeth Warren, what  lying idiots, the Dem's hold no one to accountability.  How about Debbie Wassermann-Shultz or Donna Brazile, past and present leaders of the DNC.  Both with major public disgrace. Lastly, the youth, the protesting liberal college students....  When a self identified, Political Science major is interviewed on T.V., and cannot name the VPOTUS, wow at the jaw dropping stupidity.
To be a Democrat, you have to either be brainwashed, a mindless idiot or paid. You are being lied to by your leadership.  Really, sheeple fits the democrat profile best of all.
Well, I'm looking forward to EIGHT years of a conservative White House.  I hope to see prosecution of those that violated the law and the Constitution.  I want to see a prosperous America where our Vets are taken care of, where our homeless are sheltered and our hungry fed.  Even in this short period before the Trump takes his Oath, America has had change for the better, economic indicators, job indicators and foreign policy debate.  Things that Obozo could not do in 8 years. I am so tired of  that pompous a-hole.  He and his wife, his friends, his administration have taken a toll on this country.  Now please get the F out!

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