Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Fonda on Obama.... and the left. Obama sucks.... still!

Sup y'all,

This caught my eye this am. Peter Fonda at the Cannes talking about long range rifles and Barry O. Seems like he has committed a federal crime, or at least that is what all the lefties are claiming. Wonder how sister Jane would have have felt about all of this? Oh wait, she's not dead, she's just old and bitter. Life is so funny sometimes. The left, the left, the left. If this bunch of snot nosed, weak knee'd pussies knew anything at all about the real world, they would be crying for their momma.

Ok we finally got Osama, and who took the credit? Oh yeah, it was o'bozo. Funny how he was so frigging critical of the Bush policies, yet we see this dipshit starting to take the same route, making ninety degree policy changes. I am ashamed of this idiot, I am embarrassed at what he has made the U.S. look like. 2012 cannot get here fast enough.

Let me tell you something to watch for. Your gonna hear all about how o'bozo's approval rating is going up, how the lefty/lib/dems are starting to get their "momentum" back from the conservatives...., no HOLD that, from the AMERICAN people. It's all BULLSHIT!! If you have one iota of intelligence, Talk to some people that are not in your Circle of influence or friends. Ask them about o'bozo, I bet you 10 to 1 that there are more o'bozo haters than there are supporters. In all communities!

I think we spend way to much money on Israel, having said that, this just may be what pushes barry over the edge. His muslim belief has caused him to piss off the Jewish people and he has no idea of how large that political base is. Barry I am going to love watching you make excuses for your presidency for the rest of my life. All these millions going to the middle east, you really are an absolute idiot.

We have not made it through this administration yet, God willing we will overcome this dufus! I try to stay focused and look at the bright side. It has been glorious to not have to see and hear piglosi every day in the media. Harry Reid's kid made me feel better about myself by his corruptness coming to light, Harry's days are numbered too. I am really very excited to see what happens to Barney Frank, I kind of hope it goes down like the IMF chairman, with the exception that Barney chases some 28 year old guy who beats the shit out of him. Who knows....could happen.

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