Monday, February 21, 2011

FOX news / The Enquirer of the 21st Century

Que pasa amigo's y amigas'.
Hey, it's George Washington's birthday, everything is closed. Can you believe that? The FED takes a holiday for a president that passed away in 1799. George was great and did a lot for our country but it's 2011. We have honored him in just about everyway possible so I think it's ok to pass on this as a Fed holiday, just my take.

Now on to my bitch of the day, that would be FOX NEWS, the "fair and balanced" news organization. Just as I stated in the header, FOX has become the "Enquirer" of the 21st century. This network is tanking, and I don't mean by it's earnings, ratings, visitors, viewers, you know... all things MONEY. I am speaking of ethics or in this case, total lack of ethics. WTF?, you say. Yep, the "bastion" of conservatism has become a sell out. My grandmother use to buy the "National Enquirer" ever time we went to the grocery store. I remember waiting for the 1st chance I had at snagging it the minute she would put it down. It had all kinds of "alien" articles and it was full of movie star spats and marital infidelity. I guess that some of the photos were a little risque and that definitely was a big attraction. Now when I go to the FOX NEWS web site, the articles are just as loony and some of the hosts on there, WTF? it's starting to get out of hand. Rupert Murdoch needs to thank barry obozo and his administration for all the shit they have screwed up. This whip storm of conservatism and the Tea Party movement have really inflated the FOX earnings.

If I hear one more of those pundits talk about buying gold or backing up my disc storage, I may just shit my pants, seriously, it is ridiculous and they are laughing all the way to the bank. It seems to me that Rupert has found that conservatism is a commodity as well. Remember that old bought and sold definition? Anyway, yes I do visit the site daily. I try to read at least two newspapers and then hit the so called "conservative" web sites. The more I know of the different news outlet interpretations, the better I can decide what is really happening. Let's face it, in todays world, the media is only gonna push what they know they can sell and it certainly does not have to be truth.

So just what is my point today? It's like this, I have done a lot of things in my life, sort of a "jack of all trades, master of none" kind of guy. Have not always made the best decisions and in fact have made some really horrible one's. I have met people from all walks of life and with all sorts of backgrounds. I have made a lot of money and I have been dead broke. Everywhere and everything I have seen and done, I find them. I don't really want to be derogatory, but it's gonna seem that way. There are these people that you meet in life that may not affect you one way or another, a friends spouse or a co worker, the parent of a friend. Someone in the peripheral group of friends and aquaintences, and they are totally clueless. The dangerous kind. They may be highly educated, or just highly intelligent. The deal is they think that they know what is best for you and me, yet none of their arguments ever holds up, ever. They are in denial. They are what I like to call the "slug" people.
They are not really bad people it's just that their hearts and minds are in the wrong place and they will NEVER EVER change. Most columnist fit this discription, in fact about 99.75% fit this description. Leonard Pitts of the "Miami Herald" would be an example or Rick Casey of the "Houston Chronicle". I could go on and on but I think you get the point. Somewhere along the way these people got it into their heads, that they know what all of us need, and that they have all of the answers. Well they would be DEAD WRONG. So next time your purusing any of these sites and you see an article that makes you say "WTF?", remember that they are there to "sell", it is a commodity if it can be sold. I think P.T. Barnum was off when he said that there is a sucker born every minute. I think it's like 150 born every second. Lastly, for the right price anyone will sell YOU down the river, even FOX NEWS.

I personally want to thank the three of you that read this!
From Texas.

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