Monday, January 16, 2012

House Bill 3261 and S968 , and censorship, my opinion.

The loudest voices, are the ones you hear screaming censorship.  It's kinda like a chain joke, you know where it starts with the 1st person, and by the time it makes a complete loop the content is jumbled and not even close to the initial story line.  Those hollering censorship are the ones who have not read HB3261, however with S968, I am opposed, due to the lack of due process for any accused site.  Due process is what the USA is built upon and it figures that a Vermont democrat would try to unhinge that aspect.  It also has had something like 36 revisions, that in itself is red flag.

First of all let me state that I am vehemently opposed to any form of censorship, the government has already gotten away with that, and trust me, the open records act doesn't do shit for us.  The law enforcement agencies will always want an unfair advantage and always remember "absolute power corrupts absolutely".  I am for retooling the house bill and for complete rejection of S968. 

I have been burned by sites on the net and lost money with out any possible form of reimbursement.  I would like to find a way to stop it, but that's like trying to stop crime, it's gonna happen.  My suggestion would be that any form of commercial web site have proper documentation/registration or some way to hold the ownership accountable.  Right now that is impossible to do.  For the auction type of sites, I would say buyer beware/seller beware.  You know the risk and ask yourself to what extent your willing to take it.

All in all we need less government in our lives, I am opposed to pedophiles and sex offenders, but I also feel that any one that visits a porn site has the right to privacy, I don't think the govt should be able to listen in on my phone calls and read my emails with out a court order/ warrant.  Then think about the lawsuits that either of these bills will eventually generate.  The truth is, the only winner in either of these as they are currently written, are the lawyers.  So ask yourself, "am I good with this"?  In the end you need to contact your representative either way.  For the people and by the people.  You want to have a say, get involved, because it is all about "we the people".

From Texas

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