Monday, January 23, 2012

Michelle Obama, in my opinion.

I tell you what, I could have really drawn this out.  Please keep in mind this is my opinion based on my observation of the Obama administration.  I decided just to make it as brief as possible, and tell you my thinking about  Michelle Obama.  Strong, articulate and driven?  For certain! On the surface, an angry black woman?  Absolutely!  Opinionated, vain and unattractive? Yes, yes and perhaps, not overly attractive, not "butt ugly" either.  Fashion Icon?  Role Model? UH NO!  Who ever gave her these titles needs a bitch slap, a written reprimand and a memo to the department!  The woman is very intelligent, in fact she tutored her hubby at one point.... Red flag? We are told she was born in Chicago, and you can make an interesting case for that being a bad sign, at least politically.  That is if you lean towards truth, honesty and integrity.  A very rare commodity in Chicago politics.  She had to walk up hill, in the snow, to school.... both ways.... er whatever.

College, it was Princeton, and Sociology and African American studies, yep, for real. Giggle giggle. Starting to get the picture? Graduated Cum Laude, not the best of the best, anger builds.  She opposed the very class that she aspired to become, what is wrong with this picture? According to Wickipedia, in July 2008,"Obama accepted the invitation to become an honorary member of the 100-year-old black sorority Alpha Kappa Alpha, which had no active undergraduate chapter at Princeton when she attended".  (Can you imagine Laura Bush accepting a membership to a "White Sorority")?    Besides, sounds a bit elitist to me, and something she claims to disdain.  If most of your life has been spent with issues of "in service" to others, helping the poor and needy, and pontificating about changing social issues and norms for the greater good of our country.  What happened when you got to the Whitehouse?  Did you forget?  Sounds like fraud to me.

 I for one am tired of hearing about our great 1st lady.  Please!!!  Look at the amount of tax dollars she has spent on entertainment and travel.  That's a real eye opener, and if you think about it, it is probably much, much more.  Again, what was that about the poor? I digress, she is the dominant partner in the marriage and she is the brains of the family.  I think she is the main influence on most of our "Obama Policy".  I look forward to all of the books that are starting to come out now, and so far their insight is a sad first legacy, of the 1st Black Family.  How's that for change.

It seems to me that MO hates to lose at anything. She was ashamed of America before BO was elected, how does she really feel now?  The election of 2008 sold many people on idealistic change, of which zero was accomplished.  I admit it sounded good, but so much of it was/is unreal.  I voted for McCain or better, against Obama.  What has the Obama administration changed?  They were able to bring racism back to the forefront, and that has divided this country terribly.  They tanked the economy with outlandish spending, and for laughs apologized for America and all of our country's... faults.  They went against the popular vote on damn near everything.  That my friends is not democracy at work.  Honestly I know of no positive thing that this administration has done.  Oops, I take that back.  It has caused Americans of all walks of life to become more involved in politics.  Grass roots organizations of all types have sprung up and are involved, to that I say thank you. Yawn.

2012, election year.  I think Obama supporters were able to sabotage Herman Cain's election campaign. Why? MO hates to lose.  Now as the left tries to manipulate the voting options of the right, we're seeing the Whitehouse in panic mode.  I look for it to get increasingly ugly the closer we get to November.  Starting to night with BO's state of the union address.  For the rest of the year we will hear BO taking bows for anything that is even remotely successful in America.  MO will push him in every area, because she's accustomed to being the "Great American Queen".  In the end, all of those lied to in 2008 will remember.  Single term president, and as I have stated before, Jimmy Carter will be elated.  Because of this embarrassment, not only are they the first, black "1st Family", but may also become the first divorced, black, 1st family.  How apropos. Michelle Obama in my opinion, is a racist sellout, but not the first.  Confusing?  Not really.

From Texas 

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