Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Left, No sign of Intelligent Life

Awhile back on this blog I stated that I was going to try and be a bit less radical about the ignorance of the left.  What was I thinking?  In an election year when all the trolls of idiocy come crawling out!  Yep, was a very stupid mistake on my part and I admit it.

What brings this about, you may ask.  I have become an information and news junkie or maybe junk newsie because that is all that is being reported.  Maybe it was Ana Marie Cox that triggered it with her "Guardian" piece and the idiocy I read there.  I really don't know, can't say.  Maybe it was the lack of class on the left.  Maybe I set myself up for having unrealistic beliefs in things such as truth, ethics, morality and honesty.  I really thought that I couldn't be the only one that was sick and tired of pointing out all of the biased and one sided ways of the left., wrong again.  So, I just want to tell you about some of the idiocy I have heard lately from the left.

Constance Hilliard, professor of African Studies at North Texas State.  She said that the American soldier who murdered the 16 Afghans, committed this atrocity because of Rush Limbaugh.  You really want someone with this kind of thinking, teaching your children?  Not me, but then I am a conservative.

Ana Marie Cox, a liberal blogger who once had her life saved (literally) by Greta Van Sustreren.  She states that her "Liberalism" has strengthened based on the  Public Policy Polling (PPP).  This organization is ran by Dean Debnam, a Democrat and political strategist.  Blind following the blind.  NOT to say that the poll results are incorrect, but I think you should know the political ideals in order to "weigh" your opinion of the source in order to make an informed decision.

Soledad O'Brian, CNN pundit.  Just google the video of her interview with Joel Pollak of

Associated Press (AP), failed to mention that in February 2012, the US deficit reached it's highest point ever of $232 Billion under the Obama administration.

Steven Chu, Energy secretary in the Obama administration.  While I give him a "Duh" for reversing course on fuel prices, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know Chu was wrong in the first place.

President BO, where do I start?  

Lake County Fla. Democratic Party, these knuckleheads actually raised a flag with President BO's image in place of the "stars", and the flag was made in China.  Thanks to local veterans the flag was removed.

Hillary Clinton, Secretary of State in the Obama administration.  Compared the GOP to religious extremists in the middle east.

These are some of our leaders in government, media and education.  It scares the hell out of me to realize these people are in charge.  I could go on and on with this but frankly, I'm bored.  It's become common place for this BS.

I also have some good news, Rick Santorum is making headway in the GOP primaries.  Hopefully he will continue on this track, I would not have been happy to vote for Romney.  While I don't agree with Santorum on all of his views, I do support the majority.

What a crazy world we live in!
From Texas

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